International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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AAP April 23, 2010 9:13AM © Herald and Weekly Times WHEN a tsunami warning hit New Zealand, Richard Toihau Carlson had to move his cannabis to higher ground. So the 57-year-old had nearly 8kg of the drug stashed in his car when the police spotted a broken tail light and pulled him over on the North Island. Judge Tony Adeane said police found 15 plastic bags of cannabis in Carlson's vehicle last September. Carlson said he was moving the drugs for fear of a tsunami. Although the weed was mouldy, it would have been worth $NZ40,000 ($30,650) in good condition. Carlson pleaded guilty to possessing canna…
Last reply by Himan, -
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(Reuters) - Below the perpetual fog that shrouds the redwood groves, green hills and rocky coastline of remote Humboldt County thrives a lucrative but hush-hush industry -- marijuana. U.S. Pot pays the bills in this Northern California enclave, home to hippies and good old boys alike who espouse the weed's curative and economic benefits. The expensive trucks, bustling restaurants, escalating rents and plentiful wads of cash all point to profitable pot cultivation in Humboldt. Now, a state voter initiative on the November ballot that would make California the first U.S. state to legalize and tax this cash crop has locals jittery about losing their dominant market pos…
Last reply by tanglewood, -
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Last reply by Budman2012, -
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The sad news has been confirmed. Jack Herer, author of Emperor Wears No Clothes and renowned around the world for hemp activism, has died at 11:17 a.m. today, in Eugene, Oregon. Jack Herer suffered a heart attack last September just after speaking on stage at the Portland HempStalk festival. The last seven months have proven to be a huge challenge to the man, with several health issues making his recovery complicated. Jack Herer's health has been poor lately, this last week there have been reports of the severity, and an outpouring of prayers on his behalf. "It's shocking news, even after these last seven, trying months," said Paul Stanford, THCF Executive Director. …
Last reply by uka, -
- 420 Crew
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Monday, April 05, 2010 Marijuana bills tempt cash-starved states By David Harrison, Staff Writer This year saw a flurry of activity revising state marijuana laws. Most notably Washington, California, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Massachusetts debated bills to legalize and tax marijuana. Also, 18 states looked at medical marijuana bills and six states considered proposals to reduce penalties for those convicted of marijuana offenses. Mary Lou Dickerson had seen enough. After wrenching cuts to Washington’s state drug and alcohol treatment programs, Dickerson, a Democratic representative, introduced a bill this year to sell marijuana in state liquor stores…
Last reply by Chato, -
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Video of guy who uses a telescope eyepiece on his digital camera to get good closeups of trichomes. The guys a bit of an annoying prick but his method gets some great pics. Video :-
Last reply by Kiweed, -
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From the Sydney Morning Herald : DARE are government funded pigz who "Just Say No" ... a total failure on all accounts over the last 25 years or so ... so it is THEY who misunderstand the matter and THEY who have been the ones making irresponsible statements all these years. Just Say Know This 1998 article from Playboy Magazine sums it up : Just say No - Why DARE doesn't work Didn't work then and doesn't work now ... so many Billion$$$ wasted on this propaganda. I forgot to put this up the other day so the Poll has closed but check out the votes ... As with nearly every poll I've seen on Decrim/Legalize…
Last reply by Crunchy, -
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Atleast there is a ray of hope for all of us. If the bill is passed by Cali, it will probably prompt some serious debate about prohibition.
Last reply by Himan, -
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Mark Dodd From: The Australian March 31, 2010 6:08PM Copyright 2010 News Limited WAR-battered Afghanistan, the world's biggest producer of opium can now claim the title of world leader in hashish production as well, a key UN report has found. The farm-gate value of Afghanistan's illicit opium production was estimated at $438 million last year compared to $39-94 million for cannabis resin or hashish, a report by the UN Office of Drugs and Crime said today. But in its first survey of cannabis production in Afghanistan, UNODC said the resin yield from Afghan cannabis is the highest in the world. "While…
Last reply by Kiweed, -
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Hi everyone... Casper asked me to pass this on... Enjoy! Alison xx On the 'Time 4 Hemp - TODAY PotCast' (released March 25, 2010) Time For Congress To Move! People often ask; 'Do members of Congress know the REAL TRUTH ABOUT MARIJUANA?" The answer is: YES! In this segment you hear from Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) and Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) Also with Aaron Huston from the Marijuana Policy Project Musical artists featured: Human - Negative Index Red Dirt - The Toyes To download this segment directly, click on the url below: On the 'Time 4 Hemp - MUSIC PotCast' (released March 25, 2010) …
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
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On 22 March 2010 in Radzewicach, Poland, Police raided an industrial building and discovered a secret floor of approximately 1000 m2 with 10 000 cannabis plants. The police also found 150 kilograms of dried plants and 40 kilograms packaged and prepared ready for sale. Slick looking operation, guess the guys arrested can't plead it they were growing for personal use only. police video at link
Last reply by OrbitTime, -
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Date: 22 03 2010 Source:
Last reply by Innocent criminal, -
- 420 Crew
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Author:Rachael Brown Date:26/3/10 Source:ABC News online Copyright:ABC Ouch 14.7mil thats gotta hurt more in depth article... Date: 25/3/10 Copyright:telegraph media group
Last reply by Budman2012, -
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Last reply by mister420, -
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The story is 4 months old, but I just heard about it today. QUOTE: Voters in the ski resort town of Breckenridge, Colorado legalized marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia by a nearly three-to-one margin on Tuesday. It is the first municipality in the United States to allow paraphernalia, such as pipes, bongs and bubblers. "[The measure] passed 73 percent to 27 percent," ABC 7 News in Denver reported. "'This votes demonstrates that Breckenridge citizens overwhelmingly believe that adults should not be punished for making the safer choice to use marijuana instead of alcohol,' said Sean McAllister, a Br…
Last reply by El_Badass,