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Marijuana Activists Brutalized by Moscow Police During Annual Demonstration Posted in Chronicle Blog by David Borden on Sun, 05/06/2007 - 9:06pm Eugene Kazachenko distributed the following disconcerting report from Moscow yesterday: Dear sisters and brothers! My name is Eugene Kazachenko. I'm from Moscow, Russia. Today, some hours ago my friends from Marijuana march were arrested. They tried to stretch the banner with calling to legalize marijuana. The goal of this march was legalization marijuana for medical use. Now there are about 20 people arrested. The police was very cruel with marijuana activists. With fear for life of our brothers and sisters…
Last reply by Jess Stone, -
- 420 Crew
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More than 100 people arrested at Nimbin Mardi Grass 7 May, 2007 The NSW Police Force arrested more than 100 people – predominantly for drug offences – and seized more than 15kg of drugs over the three-day Mardi Grass festival in the northern NSW town of Nimbin. Operation Maloo, comprising police from Richmond LAC, dog squad, mounted police, OSG (Operational Support Group) and the new roadside drug testing unit, was active between 6am Friday May 4 and 6am Monday May 7, 2007. During that time, police arrested 109 people of which 50 were charged with a number of offences and 62 dealt with by way of cannabis caution. The majority of the 50 charges were for posses…
Last reply by Jess Stone, -
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Time to give Nimbin a fair go by S.Sorrensen Nimbin is a little town that tends to get up the authorities’ noses. Always has, since a bunch of long-haired, peace-loving, rebellious, alternative types invaded the village by Kombi in 1973. Authorities didn’t like Nimbin then. Somehow Nimbin has always given us a glimpse of our future. The village is a microcosm, previewing the impending issues of broader society. Issues like the environment and drugs. Every year thousands of people flock to Nimbin’s MardiGrass. It’s a cannabis law reform rally, a festival... a party. Call it what you will. There’s the Kombi Konvoy which splutters its way from Byron to Nimbin. Some of them…
Last reply by SmellyArab, -
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Australia's binge-drinking culture is a "ticking time bomb" threatening to overload the public health system within decades, health experts have warned. A rise in dangerous drinking across all age groups, class boundaries and cultural lines has prompted calls for action. Top researchers predict Australia will see a big rise in chronic diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, cancers and brain disorders in the next 20 years. Addiction doctors say they are seeing a growing trend of drinkers as young as 18 suffering tremors, sweats and even seizures. Many are drinking a bottle of spirits a day, with experts predicting a rise in brain-damage cases. Those in the field …
Last reply by Tom, -
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HEADING to Nimbin and thinking you might risk taking along some of your best home grown? Here’s the front row line-up of the team you’ll need to avoid. Drug bus Police began roadside drug testing yesterday afternoon on roads leading to the town. Three drugs are screened for: • THC (the active component of cannabis) • Methylamphetamine (speed, ice, crystal meth or base) • MDMA (ecstasy). These drugs were found to be the most common in people involved in fatal car accidents. The first test: You provide a sample of saliva. A result takes between 3-5 minutes. Second test: If the result is positive you are escorted to the Random Drug Testing Truck for a second test. …
Last reply by LOGGER_KING, -
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Just found this.... Love and stuff, Ali xx AlterNet New Studies Destroy the Last Objection to Medical Marijuana By Bruce Mirken, AlterNet. Posted May 2, 2007. New research on "vaporization" has demonstrated that all those fears about the ill effects of smoking marijuana are 100 percent obsolete. Anyone who advocates for medical marijuana sooner or later runs into arguments about smoking: "No real medicine is smoked." "Smoking is bad for the lungs; why would any doctor recommend something so harmful?" It's a line of reasoning that medical marijuana opponents have used to great effect in Congress, s…
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 420 Crew
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Thought you all might be interested in this... Enjoy! Love and a squish, Alison xx This Bud Is Not For You By Willy Noiles – View Magazine April 27, 2007 Critics say Health Canada is profiting off the sick and dying after it was revealed the government–run agency is charging patients 15 times more for medicinal marijuana than it pays to buy weed in bulk. Records obtained by the Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act reveal that Health Canada has a 1,500 per cent mark–up on the marijuana it gets from its sole supplier. “It makes me sick to know this is happening, that this is how Health Canada treats people,” says Burlington activist a…
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
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Here's another good one... Love and stuff, Ali xx Newshawk: Legalise Cannabis Alliance Pubdate: Tue, 01 May 2007 Source: Guardian, The (UK) Copyright: 2007 Guardian Newspapers Limited Contact: letters@... Website: Details: Author: James Randerson, science correspondent, The Guardian Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) CANNABIS CHEMICAL CURBS PSYCHOTIC SYMPTOMS, STUDY FINDS One of the active chemicals in cannabis inhibits psychotic symptoms in people with schizophren…
Last reply by Jess Stone, -
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Police have carried out a significant drug bust in Girrawheen, allegedly seizing cannabis, cannabis plants, ammunition and smoking implements. A 29-year-old man has been charged with drug offences after officers from the Inglewood Inquiry Team raided a house in Sparks Court yesterday afternoon. Police claim to have found 28.5 grams of cannabis and four rounds of ammunition along with the smoking implements. A search of the property's back shed allegedly revealed 16 cannabis plants in two separate hydroponic assemblies. The 29-year-old has been charged with cultivating a prohibited drug with intent to sell or supply, possessing a prohibited drug, two counts of poss…
Last reply by jabez, -
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This was a forum I went to on April 30th - 4/20 the "Hippy New Year" as we call it. It was very educational with speakers from all across the Country and quite a few medical patienst like myself. There were around 100 people there that day while planned "Smoke Outs" were going on all over Toronto, Niagara Falls and elsewhere across Canada. I spoke to Joe at length that day as did many others... I'll keep you posted if and when other stories come from this reporter. It was a great day overall.... Enjoy! Love and a squish, Alison xx The personal dope on medical marijuana May 02, 2007 04:30 AM Joe Fiorito The pot smokers came to a downtown…
Last reply by mull, -
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A MAN has been charged after police seized hydroponic cannabis worth an estimated $1.2 million in Sydney's south-west. Officers attached to the South West Metropolitan Region Enforcement Squad have been investigating organised crime syndicates involved in the cultivation of cannabis. Squad members searched a house in Moorebank at about 7am (AEST) yesterday. Police will allege they found 169 mature cannabis plants and more than 24kg of cannabis head and leaf. The cannabis has a combined estimated potential street value of more than $1.2 million, police said. A 29-year-old Dulwich Hill man was arrested at the scene and taken to Liverpool Police Station for questio…
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
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Hi guys... Check this out.... Love and a squish, Alison xx > Newshawk: Hawked with Hawkform > Pubdate: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 > Source: Advertiser, The (Australia) > Copyright: 2007 Advertiser Newspapers Ltd > Contact: > Website: > Details: > Author: Nick Henderson, Political Reporter > Bookmark: (Marijuana - Medicinal) > > AMA BACKS PRESCRIBING CANNABIS > > MARIJUANA would be prescribed by doctors in South Australia for medicinal > pur…
Last reply by thc24, -
- 420 Crew
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Couple charged over cannabis production A man and woman aged in their 60s from South Australia's Adelaide Hills have been arrested and charged over the production of cannabis. Police say they found 103 cannabis plants and 33 kilograms of dried cannabis when they searched the pair's house at Foreston in the Adelaide Hills yesterday. The 68-year-old man and 64-year-old woman have been bailed to appear in the Holden Hill Magistrates Court at a later date. Source: abc news
Last reply by Budman2012, -
- 420 Crew
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Study Finds Highest Levels of THC in U.S. Marijuana To Date 20 Year Analysis of Marijuana Seizures Reveals a Doubling in Pot Potency Since Mid-80's; New Strains of Marijuana May Be Behind Increase in Teen Marijuana Treatment Admissions and Rise in Emergency Room Episodes Related to Marijuana White House Drug Czar Warns: "This isn't your father's marijuana." (Washington, D.C.)—Today, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) released the latest analysis from the University of Mississippi's Potency Monitoring Project which revealed that levels of THC—the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana—have reached the highe…
Last reply by Jess Stone, -
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Linkage I want this fks job, testin' some samples for some thirty odd years. Then make a statement that's some 20 odd years old, then modernize it with a big dose of speculation, and hope to get some credit for your apparent findings... Well done Nora, straight to the top of the class for you luv... now find something else to waste the rest of your workin' career on...
Last reply by Al Fish,