Your ultimate chill zone for all things entertainment in the cannabis community. Dive into fun games, binge-worthy TV discussions, movie nights, and enlightening book chats. Fuel your passions and share your high recommendations.
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g'day; have look in here for preview of new movie being made in Switzerland........ move curser to find links, gallery is great too i want to see it
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Has Anyone out there ever heard of three dutch movies called "Flodders". I have only seen no 3 it was hiliarous but I have been told 1 & 2 are heaps funnier.
- 1 reply
g'day; if you want to see gross indecency and extreme bad taste, packed full of comedy and laughs, try the video...'meet the feebles'....WARNING: DO NOT ALLOW YOUR KIDS TO WATCH IT. it is sicko but extremely funny, may need to request it at video store, wont be on display. you will laugh till you spew.
Last reply by nickthecheese, -
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A Clockwork Orange Just to give you an idea on this one, under the title is says "Rape,Ultraviolence,and Beethoven" It's one trippy movie. With a good mixture of violence, comedy, and music. Believe it or not, I first saw this in my Film as Literature class. Pink Floyde the Wall Good music along with a proper dose of insanity(also works extremely well with hallucinagens). Any and all Cheech and Chong movies They're hilarious and can make you drool from time to time(ie. the weed truck). Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas It's based on a true story about a reporter and a lawyer who go on a very long drug binge. I've never seen so many drugs in one movie in my life. Bong…
Last reply by !#gr33nh0rn3t420#!, -
- 5 replies
Ahahahahah I just finished watching Fear and Loating in Las Vegas again. It's seriously the fuckin' funniest movie I've ever had the honor to witness. I recommend you check it out straight away. I'm going to post some quotes to shed some light on what the Bejesus I'm talking about. "As your attorney, I advice you to take a hit out of the little brown flask in my shaving kit" "A drug person can learn to handle such things as seeing their dead grandmother crawling up their leg with a knife in her teeth. But no one should be asked to deal with this trip. " Narrator:"We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. I reme…
Last reply by Green Finned Demon, -
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Get a big bowl and sit down to some of the weirdest shit you'll ever see!
Last reply by Green Finned Demon, -
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"Reefer Madness" Special thanks to CRRH Hemp TVNB: You will need Real Player to view this post.
Last reply by Oz, -
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Sory folks, I have just seen someone's beaten me to it, and posted it in the club house. cheers rob
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed,