Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
757 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
Hey ppl, They are filming part of the new movie called Snowtown around my house and next door. For the last week or more, I have had movie people crawling all over my front and back yard, and also utilizing my shed. I can't reveal any more specifics, because it could allow the identification of my property! Often the movie people are only metres away from me outside, while I am packing bongs and smoking joints inside I got a bit spooked when one of the friendly members of the filmcrew suggested I had a rather pleasant smelling smoke emitting from my house:) I was more cautious after that Yet last night they were filming a scene where a bong is involved. I aske…
Last reply by cybergenesis, -
- Admin
- 6 replies
Author: Faith Karimi Date: 21/06/2010 Source: CNN Inside Africa Copyright: CNN © 2010
Last reply by Allotropy, -
- 11 replies
What are they really looking for if you give blood and urine tests? Okay, Cannabis isn't mentioned here but how long will it be before governments go looking? Daily fine for refusing to take part in national health survey • By Sue Dunlevy • From: The Daily Telegraph • May 19, 2010 12:00AM UP TO 50,000 people face a fine of $110 a day if they refuse to divulge information on their health and lifestyle to Australian Bureau of Statistics researchers. The Australian Health Survey announced in last week's Budget will be the most comprehensive research on the health of Australians ever undertaken and will be jointly funded by the National Heart Foundation. But the 50,…
Last reply by roach2486, -
- 7 replies
Anyway to be negative about Cannabis R.I.P Luke Holmes
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 2 replies
My Mind is Melting, Man, but in a Good Way Chris Ayres From: The Australian May 01, 2010 12:00AM It can only be a good thing if they research these drugs more , maybe the medical 'proffession' will get a better insight on what so many have known for millenia. ... AND THEN they may be able to elaborate a more concise list of 'noted' descriptions of these drugs ... rather than as above... ^ ... Sheesh! Anyhoo , I thought this may be of interest ... Cheerz ... Budman P.S. Hmm , I've been noticing bugz in the system ... and what's with this formatting!? oh well , no worries…
Last reply by wilderbud, -
- 12 replies
Cops chase drunken fool straight to his illegal marijuana operation By Greg Campbell l Published: Tuesday, April 27 2010 07:03 In a spectacular illustration of what NOT to do when confronted by law enforcement while driving home from the local tavern in the middle of the night, 23-year-old Charles Byrd drunkenly fled police officers who witnessed him break numerous traffic laws in Gwinnett County, Ga. His choice of hideout? His totally illegal marijuana grow house, where there were 69 plants, 3.2 pounds of manicured pot and his none-too-amused partner in crime, 25-year-old Timothy Donahue. At most, Byrd faced a DUI and a few traffic citations for driving with his lig…
Last reply by geeunit, -
- 9 replies
Source: ;) See the (currently) 247 comments there and another 333 (currently) on Digg : (which is where I saw it first and read the comments , so it gets a mention ... inbetween all the useless (but often funny) one-liners are a few pearlers heheheh) Anyhoo , that's the story Cheerz Budman
Last reply by four winds, -
- 3 replies
Source: Heheheh , Um ... you could blame that on the movies as much as anything else Was an Unloaded (I hope) replica rifle and they used the extended 'tubular' length of the rifle barrel to inhale smoke from a Cannabis Joint ... If it was a Tobacco cigarette , would anybody say anything? Anyhoo , that's the story Cheerz Budman
Last reply by spannernuts, -
- 0 replies
I don't really know what to make of this but Mike Straumatis, the owner of AN, is basically grassing his competition on a public video cast. The whole thing is strange because the allegations are based on the hearsay of an ex employee of the people he is trying to grass.????? WTF
Last reply by mull-ray, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by malbuzz, -
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
Last reply by Budman2012, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
A 29-year-old tourist from the Philippines has spent five days in custody after Australian Customs officials mistook iced tea for drugs. Tourist, Maria Silva bought three 800 gram bags of Nestle iced tea on her way to the airport in Manila before her flight to Melbourne. On arrival at Melbourne Airport she was detected by sniffer dogs and arrested by Customs. Customs' initial tests showed the packets contained 2.44 kilograms of methamphetamines. Customs later revised its results to amphetamines and Ms Silva was charged with importing a commercial quantity of drugs into Australia. It was only after she spent five days in custody, unable to contact family or frien…
Last reply by Budman2012, -
- 8 replies
- 1.7k views If that isnt the most ridiculous bullshit I've ever heard... sure the dog is a hero! that leaf could have killed someone
Last reply by spannernuts, -
- 10 replies
Fair enough this isn't Canna related. But it similar in regards to medicinal extracts from other plants for either possible cures or general well-being. It's quite refreshing news that science is looking towards natural remedies, than the same old synthetic crap they like to palm off onto us. Anyway, enough outta me. I'll let the reports do the talking. Source: Source:
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 13 replies
how deadly is this cannabis . ill show you . just click on this link .
Last reply by Budd Greenleef,