Australian Cannabis Politics and Activism
The HEMP Party
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- Time to ‘Get Real’ NCPIC
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Last reply by grace, -
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Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Well I have never been to prison, the most I have ever done was time in lockup for the weekend about 12 years ago after a drunken rampage (back in my days of ignorance, when I drunk instead of used the herb). But it must SUCK in prison... One of the big problems- besides general hostilities- must be a lack of stimulation and boredom. I honestly believed if they allowed *most* prisoners (not prisonerss with psychotic disorders or who are excessively paranoid or accusatory) to consume marijuana in their cells in exchange for good behavior and compliance, I honestly believe you'd see a significant reduction in violence in prison. Marijuana while not a magic cure for ps…
Last reply by phreakah, -
- 11 replies
I really hate the negative opinion some people have about weed even when they don't know anything about it. Why is that if somebody goes out and gets blind drunk every weekend then it's all in good fun but if somebody else smokes an occasional joint they must be a drug addict loser? This fucks me right off
Last reply by xeroer, -
- 16 replies
It's a pretty safe bet that any drug related site will end up being on the manditoraly banned IP list, including OnLine Seed Shops, OZ Stoners, ETC. They would then probably ban & block encrypted anonymity servers to prevent alternative access to the banned drug related sites. Say goodbye to most imported cannabis genetics & say hello to much poorer quality pot in Australia... We Need To Act NOW to Stop This: URL= Once it's in & Done, we'll NEVER get rid of it. WE'RE NOT LITTLE CHILDREN, RUDD, & THIS ISN'T CHINA, YET. If you don't want your eMails Scanned & Canned, If you don't want Seed Shops Bl…
Last reply by psychoresin, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey people. Hope this is the best section for this, I've got a bad back and I am in pain so forgive me... Take a look at this website, which is a South Australian drug program: Here is some of the factual information they state about marijuana (copy and pasted): THE FACTS: 75% of people in our Mental Health System are there because of drugs. Marijuana is more addictive than heroin Marijuana detox takes far longer than heroin detox. The symptoms of marijuana detox can be just as severe as heroin. Marijuana is a ‘gateway’ drug for youth. i.e. it does lead to the use of other drugs. The MENTAL effects include: De…
Last reply by Al Fish, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, I just read this excellent ebook called "Marijuana is safer: So why are we driving people to drink?" I am going to buy several copies of it from Amazon (its only about $10) But if you want to read it, you can read it here: (Please note you can't download this version, its embedded onto the page, but you can find downloadable versions around if you look)
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
I know it is a rip off but I am pretty desperate, new in town etc etc So if I head down to the X and actually manage to score as opposed to being totally ripped off, and then I get busted by the cops with their dogs and I have a gram on me, what are the likely consequences. Bearing in mind I am a tourist (in London as a tourist you will be dealt with more lightly- however that probably isnt the case here). So what is likely to happen, and what is the worst case scenario? Could I get busted, arrested, deported??? Thanks for any info anyone has to share, especially if you have experience of being busted on the X Thanks
Last reply by Budman2012, -
- 0 replies
Well guys this is a blueprint book that talks about how government can regulate all types of drugs including cannabis. It is written by Transform - Drug Policy Foundation (UK), released - 6th November 2009 It has some good information on how to regulate cannabis in cities giving good examples and guidelines on regulatory of cannabis. Heres the link to the PDF: Enjoy and hope this helps us with the fight on legalisation of cannabis in aus
Last reply by itsMoeyy, -
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Hi All, It looks like the politicians are trying to toughen up Cannabis laws in Queensland. Inquiry into Addressing Cannabis Please read the Media Releaseand the Issue Paper which outline the topic. From the sound of the bias in those statements we need as may people as possible to Make a Submission. They even have a prepared Electronic Form to make the completion so easy even a stoner could do it. It would be good if as many Qld'ers here could make their opinions heard. Megalomaniac
Last reply by Megalomaniac, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
March is time to vote for South Australians. and I just wanted to remind all the stoners out there about HEMP SA. They just got a new facebook page, here is a description on that page: Help End Marijuana Prohibition (H.E.M.P) SA is a political party based in South Australia commited to the legalisation of cannabis in its many forms, and for its many uses. This group is a show of support for the party, and the causes and values the party holds. Cannabis in its various forms is one of the most useful, naturally occurring substances in the world. It has been in use for thousands of years by humans, for all things ranging from clothes, to relaxation, to religion, to med…
Last reply by bloodshot_eyes, -
- 1 reply
g day all , just out of sheer discust . i put together a hyperthetical court case , which i think should go like this . defence for the accused . your honor members of the jury , iam here today to defend my client . a harmless outcast from society , a plant if i must say . a plant that through out the history of mankind has sustained life and brought happiness to many cultures and civilizations in many many ways . a plant your honor that has a sweet aroma that is pleasant to ones sences , a bush your honor that will bloom all year round with its own unique flowers that come in many shapes and sizes . that are a wonder to the eye of the beholder . as equal to the flowers…
Last reply by Budman2012, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, I'm making a documentary on the use of drug detection dogs by police on public transport and at events. I'm looking for stories related to drug dogs in nsw. I'm particularly exploring their effectiveness and impact on people in light of the NSW ombudsman report on the dogs. Full confidentiality is assured if required, as I need audial as well visual interviews. Thankfully, Jarrod
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 12 replies
Hey all. Sorry to post yet another tidbit - but it's my first day off work for ages, so I'm going nuts with it Thought I'd post here some of my fave quotes from notable people about cannabis. Feel free to add to the list! "Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica." - Abraham Lincoln (from a letter written by Lincoln during his presidency to the head of the Hohner Harmonica Company in Germany) "The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing l…
Last reply by malbuzz, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hey Guys, So I wrote a 1000+ word letter to Mr Rudd a couple of days ago regarding the correlation between the War on Drugs and Environmental Sustainability/Climate Change Action, and I was wondering whether anyone who has previously written to the PM would be able to give me an idea of the quality of his response, the time he took to make it, his attitude, or even if he bothered to respond.
Last reply by Paladin, -