Pests and Diseases
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
537 topics in this forum
- 14 replies
Help!!!! Picked today and right in the centre of the top bud is mold - white (looks like cobwebs) and in some places it has started to go brown - what can I do??? Do I have to throw the crop? Is it salvgable?? If i smoke it what will happen? does anyone know anything about mold and the difference between FUNGI and MOLD??? The crown bud was larger than a beer can, but when cutting the individual buds off, white, brown and even purple web like matter was noticed. I have salvaged what I could, but am still concerned about smoking it. BLOODY HELL. This is my first ever crop, and I have definetly learnt many things already. Dissapointed, as I managed to get rid of the spider …
Last reply by mace, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Just checked my plants and it looks like there's really fine webbing over the tops of some of the big buds, and in between some of the leaves. I checked under the leaves and it looks like ther's a few tiny brown crawly things under there. Last couple of weeks the leaves have been getting white spots on them but I can't see any bugs flying around inside the cupboard. I've got 4 plants in a cupboard, run to waste, 6 weeks into flower. I've just sprayed with white oil. Anyone know what it is or what else I can do? I took some pics but you can't see the webbing. Any help appreciated, they're almost ready to pull!
Last reply by off my head, -
Arrgh, I think I have scarid-fly!!! 1 2
by Guest Eikel- 19 replies
Ok, So I don't have Spidermite, I'm pretty sure they're scarid-fly, but I have these tiny little white things crawling over the top of my plants in potting-mix. The plants themselves look perfectly healthy and are growing strong, but I'm concerned as to what these little things are. They are "jumping" across the surface of the medium - I assumed from this behaviour plus the fact I dug in the mix and found a tiny little flying insect that they are scarid fly. Fortunately, the plants are watered with Dutchmaster Guardian - I believe this will help? I just gave them a good spray-down with a pythreum/garlic spray I bought at the nursery, will this do anything? I do …
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 4 replies
Hi there....... can some one suggest a natural home made remedy for getting rid of bugs and pests........ Ive noticed some of my leaves have a had quite large bites taken out of them but when i search under the leaves theres no bugs to be seen........ i heard a while ago that you can make some natural spray that will get rid of pests......... i think it had chillie and garlic in it or something....... does anyone know the exact ratio to make such a spray thanks jason i want to make my own..........i dont want to buy anything from the shop
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
What's the active ingredient of Mite-Rid these days ???? It used to be Abamectin, but that changed recently. Anyone got a new bottle handy ??
Last reply by tassie devil, -
- 3 replies
A problem has started that I haven't seen before. It looks like rust. It begins in the main veins of relatively new growth, killing the leaf from the inside out. Older leaves are not affected as much as the newer ones. It is especially apparent in the tender newest leaves trying to grow from the tops. It halts the growth of the plant, as it struggles to survive against this problem. What could it be? It's affecting nearly all my indicas, but not my sativas, even though they are planted together.
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
goddamn they are lil bastards have sprayed my ladies with "mavrik" chewing & sucking insect killer like 4 days ago and then yesterday...both times i pruned the leaf that had eggs under them just to make sure i make their population smaller every time :thumbdown feel like a bastard for trimming my babies but i didnt want to risk the eggs hatching anywhere near my ladies so i fed the leaf to the cat after rinsing the leaf off and b4 went mental trying to get the leaf from me so i figured as a treat for locking her outter the 1/2 the house (cuz she would eat my plants otherwise ) i would give it to her... i only have a small amount of this bug …
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 1 reply
so i was watering my plants today and saw two little spiders on one of my plants. and then i saw about 4 on another plant. they are small and white spiders, and i was wondering what i could do to get rid of them? cheers!
Last reply by stealth planter, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
hey hows it going all please help me out. I am new to growing been wanting to do it for ages, had 9 9cm plants going last year and they died when i went on on a holiday. anyway i planted 6 seeds 2 weeks ago, 4 didnt go and 2 did and are looking good. I put them in warm water for 24 hours then planted. I wouldnt have a clue what soil but it had all earthworms and shit in it so i thought that must be good. Recently noticed that there are small brown spots on the leaves. what is this from and what should i do to fix it?? is it from lack of nutrients if yeah, what should i give it? These 2 are 2 wks old do they look good and preety healthy? i water everyday. all feedb…
Last reply by Tom, -
Hi, I have this problem with my leaves. The room is and has always been very well ventilated and by looking at them it doesnt seem to me to be any kind of mite or bug. Ive been having murders keeping the PH levels right and over the last week they have been subjected to high levels almost constant could be the cause ? Indoor hydroponics, White Rhino. I hope the pics can help, the green is really more green and the brown isnt so rusty colour on the leaf. Also the the leaf is curly upwards and very brittle and are starting to look like this as soon as the new leaf starts to grow.
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Yeah, Big problem.. Plant indoors due to currently crappy weather.. Just last night i moved it into a 'cleaner' area, with slightly more light (no, not a damn HPS ballist and what not, sif im that rich.. 2 fluro.. (HEY ITS LIGHT!)) Anyway Went to bed after half a val, Come back to the real world the next morning, First thing i do.. Check the plant.. SUPRISE! My leafs are holy in towards the middle of the bigger leafs... Where/WHAT/WHERE! is that mofo eating my greens? .. Help. -J.
Last reply by alch, -
- 0 replies
my friends plants have leaves that are green like normal the half of some fingers will be white and dead theree is no yellowing that takes place between the white part and the green part i will have some pics later but does anyone know what this could be
Last reply by v8vega350, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hello , i have big browny/gold spots on leaves (older leaves) they started in the middle and have worked its way out. All moisture inside the brownyspots is gone and the leaves dry and snap. ANYideas whats going on?? The new growth is really light green and growing all deformed like shooting in every direction (even up ). PLUS THERES NO BUGS this is indoors hydro system under 600 watt.
Last reply by F420, -
i got my clones from a friend who has just noticed that they have a bug problem and they told me about it now i found out i have one to i dont know what they are or how to get rid of them here is two pics thanks sorry i am reattaching pics
Last reply by loves420, -
- 7 replies
Ok here goes, My plants are upto their 4th set of leaves (innit cute). And im seeing white spots on the 1st and 2nd sets, Is this good or bad? Im hoping to harvest these two for a good sesh mid next year.. If _anyone_ can help me out here, it'd be muchly needed. J, SA.
Last reply by alch,