Cannabis Law and Politics
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How many more People must get punished,deprived of their liberties and thrown in jail for being a smoker,its time we legalise it and stop the crime and stealing to obtain funds to purchase MJ.LEGALIZE IT!
Last reply by DrGreen, -
- 7 replies
Ok, I've always thought that you were aloud to have 1 personalised plant aslong as it wasnt in a hydro set-up as it is then classified as "commercial". HOWEVER, My old man only recently told me that you can have 3 plants for personal use aslong as its not in a hydro. BUT, I've been told a whole heap of other variations to whats legal and whats not, so I've never really bothered in checking up on what the actual LAW states. Just wondering if someone can answer that, also... if it is 1 or 3 plants, and I am on the right track, is it 1-3 personalised plants per individual, or 1-3 per crop? cheers, Jim
Last reply by boe~pimp, -
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Hi guy's I found this while serching the laws on S.A Http:// it might help cheer's
Last reply by aussieinvader, -
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You may of heard mention in a previous post on the forthcoming release of the Canadian Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs Report. Well the report has been published and if you'd like to read it, it can be found at (mods if this link should not have been put here I apologise) I've just finished reading the report and I thought it was amazing to say the least, a very liberal and dare I say it understanding approach to decriminilizing and regulating cannabis. Has anybody else read the report yet and if so what are your thoughts? And do you think we can promote this sort of approach here?
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
or in my case, start growing. better quality weed for less cost, not just for the growers but for everyone. no crime or street dealers less chance to get busted by undercovers buying weed. (if everyone grew no one would need to sell to strangers) If you do sell, put something back into the cause. Donate to this site, use SPC, donate to charity. whatever, but do something positive with your grow after you've looked after yourself.
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Hi, as a National Executive member of the Legalise Cannabis Alliance (a UK registered poltical party), I am offering to answer any questions you have on events in the UK. If your interested in background, head to 'Campaign News' and 'UK Cannabis Cafe' sections on the WHSpliff site - and post any questions on this thread & I'll get back to you. If you wonder about the site name - it's a mickey take of WHSmith, the UK's largest stationary/book store, on almost every High Street.
Last reply by, -
- Admin
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NORML have been running a campaign called "It's NORML to Smoke Pot" regarding Mayor Bloombergs comments when asked if he had ever smoked marijuana... His Reply "You bet I did. And I enjoyed it," Full details & campaign posters featuring Mayor Bloomberg can be found over at NORML
Last reply by Oz, -