Cannabis Law and Politics
- 2 replies
Please everyone sign this petition, it might really help! Legalise and Utilise http://www.petitiono...l/petition.html
Last reply by Tsigle, -
- 2 replies
Gemeente mag wietpas aan laars lappen 11 Hours, 22 Minutes ago Volgens minister Opsteltens conceptbrief aan de Tweede Kamer over de wietpas, is het aan de burgemeesters of coffeeshops besloten clubs worden en toeristen moeten weren. Vrijdag bespreekt hij zijn plan in de ministerraad. Municipalities can ignore weedpass.... According to Minister Opstelten's concept letter to the Tweede Kamer (the official one, not the coffeeshop) about the Weedpass, it is up to the Mayors weather coffeeshops become members clubs and will refuse foreigners. He will discuss his plan in the Ministers Council on Friday.(today) This means nothing will change in Amsterdam, Haarlem, and…
Last reply by Tsigle, -
- 9 replies
Hi I'm a new member this is my first post Great site guys So my confusion is weather there is any distinction between hydro and natural cultivation in the NT. The NCPIC and others ( including posts here ) state that up to 2 non-hydroponic plants is a minor offense and $200. I have just read all of the NT Misuse of Drugs Act and regulations and there isn't even a mention of hydro, artificial cultivation etc. let alone define what is and what isn't. Am I missing something ? Is this covered by some other legislation besides this act ? I just want to grow some personal indoors so I don't want to get wacked as a dealer or anything like that. PS I read the SA Controlled Subs…
Last reply by Wylee_coyote, -
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Last reply by buzz lighthead, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hey all, I've logged onto this site nearly everyday for the past year but have only posted a couple of times. My name is.. well lets say......Larry and I've smoked weed for about 10 years and am pretty open about it with people i know. Its just every now and then you come across some stiff who thinks every dribble of that comes out of their mouth is truth. Nearly everytime the first thing they say is " mate thats the gateway drug ". If only they would realize that MARIJUANA is more like the gates padlock. 90% of people i know who smoke marijuana have no interest or need to progress to harder drugs. I have been around all sorts of drugs but have never felt the need…
Last reply by vertexx, -
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“THE PROCLAMATION†(of cannabis Prohibitionists). Cannabis parody of ‘I’m on my way†from Shrek, by The Proclaimers. I’m on my way, to help commit genocide today. uh-huh. uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. I’m on my way, to force misery, suffering and decay. uh-huh. uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. I’m on my way to eradicate your culture, And feed on you just like a ravenous vulture, ‘Cause everything that you believe, is wrong to me, And I’m allowed to commit genocide legally. I took your rights - I took your rights and freedoms yesterday. Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha. I took a light - and burned your cannabis crops yesterday. Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, h…
Last reply by Medcanpoet, -
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Parody of "In the Flesh" - Pink Floyd and "Another Brick in the Wall". So ya, thought ya, might like to have a fair go. To feel the warm thrill of acceptance that other people are shown. Well, I got me some bad news for you, dickheads and losers. Fair Go ain't well,he stayed back at Kirribilli Hotel, And they sent us along to lend a surrogate hand, And now you're gonna find out for what your Government truly stands. Are there any cannabis users in the Country tonight? Get them up against a wall.....against the wall. There's a loser in the spotlight, just another criminal to us. Get him up against the wall....against the wall. To us they're all useless. Dysfunctional l…
Last reply by Medcanpoet, -
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Maka B rulez cures not wars oz cities we need your support forward ever stronger together
Last reply by Radic, -
- 5 replies
Just about everyone knows of the organisation GetUp. They're a not for profit group who help Australians have their say and to be heard by the government. As a collective they have done quite a bit to help get rid of (or at least stall) internet censorship. They got David Hicks back to Australia and much more. All I'm asking of you is to click this link and vote for it. As it stands it is only a suggestion, and we need to bring it to the attention of GetUp. They would be a massive help on our endeavours for legalisation.
Last reply by Swiss, -
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There are many stories, down through history, of people who have sold out and betrayed their own people, their own culture, their own beliefs, while claiming to help them and pretending that they are still one of them. This same criminal act is now dividing and conquering cannabis culture. It started with the Industrial Hempists who were allowed to grow the slave breeds of the cannabis genus as long as they were complicit in the blatant genocide of the rest of the cannabis genus, its culture and the persecution and violation of its followers. This was bad enough. Then, this lust for power, dominion, cash flow etc. moved to the medical cannabis collectives, creating …
Last reply by Medcanpoet, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Ok, it seems like no groups in WA are formed yet specifically to fight cannabis law reform. What we need is a lawyer, hopefully like minded - that will provide advice on how to not screw ourselves over. A spokesperson also - preferably one with a clean record. (that excludes me) And the group of almighty members. If it reaches the point of renting a hall for regular meetings, that is all I ask. Does anyone think this is possible? I think so. Stop the paranoia, no need being worried unless you take something stupid with you
Last reply by ashka, -
- 8 replies
I want to ask this community of peaceful people what you all think of Would love to hear some thoughts..
Last reply by .............................., -
- 3 replies
Hello, I sent an email to Council for Civil Liberties WA today, here it is. Hello, I just want to know exactly what your organisation does, lobbying etc. I am a member of and I am interested in legalising personal cannabis consumption, and the growth of an outdoor only personal supply. What has your organisation done on this side of things? I know many people willing to pay the membership fee if you are really going to fight for our cause. Whatever information you need, I can provide. The current cannabis laws are a result of U.S. pressure, where as cannabis was a regularly prescribed medicine. 'Reefer madness' propaganda from the 50's shouldn't b…
Last reply by ashka, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
My question is who do we need to VOTE for to legalize marijuana!!! in W.A/all states my guess would be labor or the greens?? IGR thanks
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 25 replies
Lets say I was to video me and my friends smoking weed and talking and then put it on youtube.. What is the likely thing that would happen?
Last reply by Ex.,