Television Stalkers
For those who've spent more than a few high nights binging series. Share your latest obsessions, debate plot twists, and discover your next TV addiction.
215 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Program currently on just tuned in 10 mins in on abc1 hungry beast... just featured L.E.A.P anyone else catch this?
Last reply by roy, -
Kronic King
by Erin- 3 replies
- 1.3k views Last sunday a story about Kronic founder and synthetic drug lord Matt bowden. One smart dude. For those that missed it go to above link or 60minutes/catchup/High Stakes. Very interdesting.
Last reply by Cerberus, -
- 1 reply
"Good Morning Vietnam" 940pm tonight 7two. You wann a hear some great 70's music and true story then this is worth watching.
Last reply by mystery01, -
- 5 replies
Ive been watching the USA remake of the UK TV show 'Shameless'. A few epps of the original and I think the remake is fairly good. Not to say its the same or as good, the Uk show had me a bit more shocked and entertained all in the same breath. The US version is kinda typical in its approach. Set in Chicargo teh show maintians some of the origianl feel to the series. Im keen to see more. Canna.
Last reply by iTiC, -
- 9 replies
I hate ads but..... Has anyone noticed the little stoner flash in the latest ultratune tv ad doing the rounds. Only a stoner would pick it
Last reply by Auntynorm, -
- 29 replies
Saw an ad for the next 7pm project which will feature mullaway and some info on his free dispensary, I wonder how this will go for us... They tend to rip into everything hopefully they take the right side this time !!!! Also on the news today there was a thing on Obama coming and Michael was on it briefly, however the presenters were quite dismissive of the cause. Good to see he finally made it and that the big joint was there to try and raise awareness. Good to see we are getting some publicity of late though. Can't wait to. See the 7pm project has anyone spoken to Mullaway and prepared to reveal the direction their story is likely to take? I can't imagine it could b…
Last reply by dapperHotoke, -
- 3 replies
Anyone else watch this? I know this sub-forum is intended for weed related television though since I saw threads on Dexter & Breaking bad thought this was certainly worth a mention. Personally I think this is probably right up there number 1 with Breaking Bad. Terrance Winter (writer from Sopranos), Martin Scorsese (needs no intro) and Steve Buscemi (and many other great writers, directors and actors/actresses) depicting a Prohibition Era underworld- incredible. To those who watch T.V. shows and haven't seen this yet, you have many hours of great T.V. ahead: Boardwalk Empire
Last reply by Mrs KB, -
- 30 replies
I'm surprised i haven't seen anyone else post this. Not a bad show, only got the first episode out so far, but will be following it.
Last reply by Frank Reynolds, -
- 19 replies
Ok so if you've been keeping up with Dexter, FMD wow whats up with Mr Ed and his mates, cliff hanger ending to a great epp. and Dexter aint no meal for a Fairy.
Last reply by iTiC, -
- 3 replies
High All ... Bit late on this one but thought I'd mention it. Was going to put up a post on it the other week but forgot ... even missed the 1st episode last week , oh well Can Watch it here: Will watch it after tonights episode. AFter Gruen World which is on here now. (Just started a Big Ideas recording and nearly missed it again heheh) Most likely many of you are already onto it ... but It's easier to miss these things these days I reckon. No worries. So there ya go. Any Opinions yet? Sounds like it might be a bit like CNNNN? ABC has a pretty decent Line-up these days. Welll , I'll go watch. Cheers
Last reply by buzz lighthead, -
- 2 replies
For all those who are a fan of the documentary check this out Documentary Heaven A mate showed me tonight, endless hours of viewing .....a few on de canabeis as well , enjoy. Scraps
Last reply by gremem, -
- 5 replies
TV documentary on Tuesday 4th October, 2011 on SBS one at 8.30pm called "Cannabis: The Evil Weed?" Its from UK and a repeat.
Last reply by Delta 9, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Man I cant wait for this one. How the hell is Walt Gunna get out this !! and wft can Jesse do... I rekkon the DEA brother inLAW is gunna play a surprising role. or Walts just gunna kill everyone and take over !! Tick tick tick. and there is no more ricin!
Last reply by Budder, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Although this short clip has people influenced by other drugs, the story takes us on a sniffer patrol and gives a bit of insight into the 'hard criminals' raging on our public transport systems who hold just a few grams of personal stash. this attack on people's personal libities; chasing after people with sniffer dogs for a few grams of any drug is saddening and a waste of money, they rarely catch dealers. Turning honest people into crims. How is society meant to respect police when they are acting like thugs, ruining people's chances of better jobs for a gram of weed. if it wasnt serious id laugh at how ridiculous it all is? I commented on the video saying that dr…
Last reply by Ally, -
- 7 replies
- 982 views A beautiful house constructed completely out of hemp (excluding the appliances) Going through the SMH hopefully if can help sway some more Aussies to the benefits of hemp products !
Last reply by Dags Gone Wild,