Television Stalkers
For those who've spent more than a few high nights binging series. Share your latest obsessions, debate plot twists, and discover your next TV addiction.
215 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
From the shorts, it looks like it's about LSD Peace MongyMan
Last reply by xShivaspacetechnologyx, -
- 1 reply
Maybe this is a stretch....but the movie 30 Days of Night (vampire flick with Mellisa George) has vampires getting killed by people shining HPS lights on them. As I said, it's a stretch but it's a pretty kool movie so check it out. Jimbo
Last reply by ettin, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Tonight (wed 12th) showed the "America Uncut" documentary regarding the Drug War. I'm a documentary freak, and have seen shit loads of drug war docos, and thi s is by far the most informative, truthful, shocking and open movie that supports our cause I have seen by a country mile. please "do yourself a favour" and get onto the Crime Investigation chanel, it's being replayed in the morning (thursday 13th ) at 8.30 or 9.30 am depending on your time zone if you're an east coaster. Sorry dont know about other time zones. Seriously shit hot. It is allowed admittance to a compassionate club, if you want tyo see what that's all about, they visit the 420 club in Amsterdam on th…
Last reply by Nooby, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
We've got the optus Tv shows here , and I see on Wed 12th the documentary series "America Uncut" is running a good looking doco on the failure of the war on drugs and the general unfairness of it. The leader I watched went into the CIA being proven guilty of impiorting millions of dollars worth of heroin, that's old news. They established the opium trade in Afghanistan. The doco maker's family has been wiped out from early deaths attributed to smoking cigarettes, drinking piss and prescription pills, and asks the question why people are being arrested by the truck load for pot and the likes. It's on the "C.I" (crime and investigation) channel. It may be nothing we d…
Last reply by Reverend, -
- 18 replies
Believe it or not, heavy metal music is definitely beneficial for your plants. Tonight on SBS a show called
Last reply by HighRising,