Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
- 9 replies
ive got 4 k2 and 8 ak48 plants from nirvana in veg under a 600w grolux fed on cf 12 of vitalink grow and vitalink silicon, they're 4 coming on 5 weeks old and im getting lower growth turning yellow then to brown and dying off. some of the upper leaves are curling inwards and the very tips look to be going brown I cant get any pics till lights out in 5 hours can anyone help?. the plants are in 13cm square pots of clay pebbles and fed passively ph is 5.7 and cf 12, would I be bet flushing with plain ph adjusted water then running on formulex for a while? any help appreciated...ill add pics after lights out. EDIT: also jus taken another look and got internodal gr…
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
[at tachment=13990:attachment]Hello all. First time post long time reader.I have a bit of a problem as you can see by the pics. Im using a 600w hps growing NL and Big Bud. Some of the leaves turn pale green in between the veins so to speak and eventually go brown and die. I add dolomite lime for magnesium and calicum.any comments greatly appreciated thanks.
Last reply by 1kiwi, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Is this Nute burn?, they're getting worse everyday. I don't know what to do
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
well heres my problem i loaned a light to a buddy he lives in a house that is well a party house with 5 other people i loaned him a 250 watt hps light well every time one of his roommates throws a temper tantrum he cuts down a fucking plant they now have 2 1/2 plants they had 4 large females he just ripped the top of of 1 nw heres the real problem they started flowering a week ago and i think they will be going inside whey were done hydro i dont have the equipment to get a hydro set up going indebt i know save the money i would spend on bud but its 4/20 thats my excuse for today but yeah can i put them outside even thought they have been preflowered i live in the indiana…
Last reply by thc24, -
- 3 replies
hi all, got a few seedlings which are almost 3 weeks old,growing in soil/perlite mix and under 3x 24w "natural light" fluoros,6 inches from the tops. Have grown seedlings like this before. anyway, one of my M60 seedlings just stopped growing at the first set of 3 fingered leaves (10 days ago) and the leaves curled under themselves in a really tight roll! tried raising the light a bit, have flushed a few times but still no change. looking thru a magnifying glass at where the new shoots should be i can just see some white bump/node things, almost like immature pre flowers! but these arent growing either? all the others are really happy but dont wanna lose this one as i…
Last reply by silent-toker, -
- 8 replies
This I hope is good enough to show the malformaed leaves. It is AK - "a gratious gift" She is lookling just fine. OD'ed on nutes slightly for aa short time but is ok now in that regard. I suspect a high PH may be the cause but will want your opinions. When inspecting the leaf formation I first thought a bug eating them. I could not find any and thought it could be thee result of too high PH. On recall I think I have been feeding at EC 1.8 & PH 6.2 - 6.3 - could this be a simple problem like PH ? Thanks for your opinions peeps.
Last reply by grow jo, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
I have a run2waste system with a 200ltre barrel. I use: - Advanced Nutrients (recomended ph of 5.6) - au60 root repair - fulvic acid - silica majik - nutriboost - advanced nute big bud (powder) I set the PH at 5.6. But when i check back couple of days later it's up to 6.2 -6.3 Whats with that? The Advanced nutes website recommends using nitric acid to bring PH down as the stuff most ppl are using reacts with some of the nutes. I might try it out as i'm putting quite a lot in to a 200ltr barrel, and I'am interested if anyone has experience in this
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hey there. I have 6 plants in coco fibre using GT nutes. Two of the plants are blueberry and the tips of the leaves are pointing downwards. It's only recently that they've been doing that. Maybe a week or so. Can anyone help?
Last reply by BentBuddha, -
- 32 replies
Hey everyone, I am at the end of week 4 flowering & have been battling fungus gnat for a little while now, which seems to have taken most of my attention as I failed to notice some small male flowers(only single ones by themselves at nodes usually just under forming buds, there was none on branches) - some of which have opened!! I searched & carefully cut them off, then gave them a good spray of La Femme and moved my light further away as not to burn them. Then I smoked the male flowers!!!!! Its really easy for me to get stoned atm!! So what else should I do - keep cutting off male flowers as I find them?? Cull the plans now & start again?? Or is there …
Last reply by BentBuddha, -
by valleygirl-
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
i have a plant ii think is a hermie for the last 3 weeks it looked like it was starting to bud with hair growing evrywhere but afew days ago i found 2 white flowers on it iam not sure what to do with this plant any ideas
Last reply by Pure, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
If the leafs are curling up at there ends, does this mean too many nutes?. Or lack of water. I dleiberatly havn't watered them for 3 days to stimulate root growth etc. Making sure there's a dry period in between.
Last reply by flipster, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hi peole ! This concerns my outdoor grow Here - thai satvia some leaf shots 1) top side 2) bottom side Whole plant shot . ......................It's easy to see it lacking Nitrgen What I am after is a means of dilivering a quick hit of Nitrogen ? Your suggestions would be welcome. The plants are entering week 4 of 15 (guess) flower. I have not watered/feed for a week. were in for 2 days of sunshine before a week of shitty weather again. I know at this stage of the grow cycle the plant switches from N to needing more P & K. I have a recomended nute called "…
Last reply by thc24, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hi, I germinated some seeds, potted them in some coco, then about 5days later the stem on the babies choked, shriveled up. Died. This is something i noticed a while ago when my cuttings died the same way. It seemed pythium+root rot was the cause. So this time i pulled it apart and didnt see much wrong with the roots, although a bit yellow. No sign of rot. So i tested the ppm/EC of the coir it was 1.5-1.6 EC diluted!!! with 100mls of pure water so potencially a good 1.9 - 2.0 EC @ root level. Damn i forgot to flush the coco coir clear before using it. Because Im a bit rusty,what is the shrivelling up of the stem is due to? Could it be something else as well?
Last reply by nitram, -
hey all, have got root rot in 3 of 5 buckets.... i plan on lowering the level of the water and add some rhizotonic.. im a little confused on the dosage rates.. tha bottle says 2ml per 5 litre of nutes... i am planning on using the rhizo continuosly and have beeen told that 2ml is too much.. anyone use this style of rhizotonic... all help is greately appreciated take care and peace out
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
hello fellas i appreciate any help u can give me it seems to me they might lacking sodium or magnesium could this be caused by reverse osmosis water the edges of the leaves are curling upwards and some are twisting . . thx for ur help
Last reply by croweater, -