Southern Hemisphere
1,885 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
My biggest issue each grow is When to harvest! Have a look at these. Been flowering for easily 6-7 weeks now. Not many white hairs left in some spots... I just don’t want to leave it too long and end up with headache sleepy weed
Last reply by Harry Bootlace, -
I read a lot of books, got a few good ones I wanted to share. All really good reads, my favorite two are edible garden by Paul west and growing stuff by black dog publishing.
Last reply by Porky 1982, -
- 25 replies
Starting my outdoor grow log on here, it’s been a while. Got a couple of Jack Herer and one Pineapple Chunk. Currently in the greenhouse will bring them outside when they get a bit bigger, plan on taking some cuttings and having a few on the go, so let’s see how we go! Just babies to start with
Last reply by GreatSouthernMan, -
Liberty haze 1 2 3
by stonie75- 23 replies
Hi all just thought I'd share one of my girls . First pics at 5 weeks and last pic at 8 weeks. She's started to bud too. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by stonie75, -
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
This went into flower at 7 weeks now is 11 weeks old. It has the most sweetest smell Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 4 replies
this branch is different to the rest of the plant it has been rubbing on the shadecloth but is right in the afternoon sun love to hear what you think. zoom in its on the right
Last reply by Billyg0at, -
- 16 replies
I'll start this thread to cover handful of us novices growing outdoors in soil this year. Lots of conflicting or unclear advice online. Looking for info on nutrition needs of plants in flower in SOIL only. Specifically :1. any difference between pk needs( and ratios,) in first few weeks of flower vs mid flowering. Lots of reading ( and some nutrient charts) suggests extra PK is only needed in initial three weeks of flower. Is that true? ratio of K to P should increase noticeably as we progress further into flower, is that right,? 2. Slow release granules of sulphate of potash and/or phosphorus. When and how often can*/should these be applied ,? And are these slow rel…
Last reply by Old fox, -
- 29 replies
Hi all. Had a go at some auto ducks outdoors. Both at 10 weeks now and really different growth patterns. One getting fairly bushy but really thin on the flower side. The other short as but better in the bud department. Both in same soil and only adding a bit of potash now and then since flowering started. Should I leave these a little longer. Strain report says 10 werks
Last reply by westbro, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys, I have currently got a mango kush (seed from a friend who is pretty sure it is) growing outside and I think it may have started flowering this week or will start soon (see pics). I’d like to move her to a larger pot for blooming but am afraid it may be too late . Any suggestions on this? Thanks! Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Porky 1982, -
Greenhouse? 1 2 3 4 10
by Raniformis-
- 420 Crew
- 98 replies
Anyone using a greenhouse? More specifically has anyone used the polyethylene film from bunnings to cover their greenhouse?
Last reply by Spider11, -
- 3 replies
White widow
Last reply by sensi trails, -
- 8 replies
I’m attempting to grow 2 autos this is about my 4th go this summer the seedlings keep dying on me. Too hot for them I think I’m going all outdoor no lights. My objective is to have a couple autos going all year around to smoke and practice growing with just nature any advice would be great. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by sensi trails, -
- 23 replies
Im looking to buy a nice haze for my bext purchase and really want to give nevilles haze a go through MNS. Has anyone grown her or super silver haze or any other true haze's? id love your input [emoji106][emoji847] Rip Neville [emoji1690] Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 8 replies
Hey Would it be to late in the season to start a few auto's from seed out-doors in NSW. ? Cheers all !
Last reply by ZeGreenDragon, -
- 9 replies
Hi all, I pulled a few seeds from a bag I got and this one was the Only one that sprouted. I’m a complete newbie but it seems to be cranking. Sprouted at the start of November. Used what I had laying round for substrate premium potting mix, some mushroom casing stuff and slow release fert. Feeding it seasol powerfeed. Iv tipped a few times too try keep the height down. Anyone know what strain it might be ? Cheers Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by pedro de pacas,