Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 4 replies
Hi All, Hoping to get some advice on the best way to handle a motheplant/clone during Winter? I have a medical strain and want to clone the plant for next outdoor season. I have searched around for some definitive information but haven't come up with much. I was thinking of either trimming back a motherplant and leaving her outside during winter and then clone off just before next season or plan B was to take clones and maintain them under fluro inside during the winter and feed them nutes? I really want to preserve this strain... Any advice appreciated.
Last reply by STONEDAJ69, -
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
Hi all, Do you know if its possible to clone off Autos, what would be a good auto for Nth QLD. I don't have the room for a grow so my idea is to get a auto and clone as many as I can,have a little veg area mabe use a small HID keep them under for maybe 3 weeks plant them out in the scrub and keep the cycle going maybe do 2 or 3 a week or fortnight. Its not a novel idea I am sure that someone has this going somewere, any input would be appreciated thanks Guys.
Last reply by svenstone, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
I am trying to germinate some seeds in paper towel kept moist and placed in the sun....I have a heap of old seeds,of various ages,none younger than a year and trying them 8 at a time....its been 3 days now and no green sprouts...when do I give up and try a new batch?
Last reply by brick, -
- 18 replies
Hello, Ive been on holiday for 5 days and ive come home to my outdoor plants being extremly droopy after being healthy before i went away. I normally water every 5 days eg Monday (fert) and friday (water) and spray with water in the middle of those days (eg wednesday) during veg as this watering schedule worked for me in the previous year. I also grow in soil. Ive done a bit of research to find conflicting issues of overwatering to under watering to root rot etc so im confused with the issue, so any help would be appreciated. Im in South Australia, so the weather has been kind with lots of sunshine and the odd day of rain. Would also like to note a couple of yellow lea…
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 7 replies
heyy guys this is my seedling i started 5 days ago started indoors and its going outside in 2 weeks just want to know your opinion its on a shitty camera
Last reply by mr.kush, -
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
heyy everybody i got some seeds the other day and just wondering wat i need to do and wat fertalisers and mixes so it grows chronic and lots ov THC and heaps ov buds .... im new to all this im looking to get 1kg peace
Last reply by mr.kush, -
- 6 replies
good evening OS, ive been searching the site for a bit but i cant find a good thread on plants that i can plant around my girl that will grow roughly the same size, shape, colour etc. i had some corn which did ok but wasnt ideal. looking for somerthing permanent so that the friendly neighbor who always sticks his head over the fence for a chat, doesnt keep noticing that ive got large weeds in my corn patch ... so yeah... any suggestion would be great or even just to a link on a forum. cheers d&b :stupid:ps probably should have mentioned that im in adelaide hey
Last reply by d&bfiend, -
- 5 replies
Has anyone given those orange looking ceramic drippers a go?, been doing some homework and always look at new ways to make things more self contained, Already got two plots and sorted the boys from girls so am thinking of trying these ''wet pots'' out as they slowly sweat out around a litre a week, so maybe two of those in big arse pot with 20litre gravity water source could be something to try as have few seedlings left over that were set aside for replacing males, Will try the drippers and use rinsed shredded seaweed as mulch and a layer of peastraw aswell. Ive seen ladies do alright out my way where it gets hot and dry some strains dont mind I guess.
Last reply by hidden.monkeys, -
- 420 Crew
- 154 replies
Hi guys Been quite a busy last couple of months for me lately... with working full time and just finishing my Diploma with an almost perfect score... high 5's all-round any ways I got round to the new spot a few days ago and started to do a little ground work... not to sure how many plants ill be running this year... I'm thinking 5 big ones and a few others started in December instead of October will be running some of my own crosses as well as some others that have been gifted to me this year... some I cant say what they are as i am testing em out for certain people any ways here are 2 of the many holes from this year enjoy people and looking forwa…
Last reply by nitram, -
- 6 replies
Hey Champs, you guys might not of heard but all of my 6 plants (including the nordle) were pulled out of the ground and left to die by my dad . I only manage to save 3 plants that he pulled out and was just hoping to get some tips from you guys. I have concerns that the plants maybe stunted. Any help would be greatly appreciated cheers guys!
Last reply by NSTC, -
flowering? 1 2
by jadcla- 17 replies
hey everyone, I'm just curious to know as to whose outdoor has actually started flowering, I'm in SEQ and my plants have had pre-flowers for fucking months, they have just had a massive growth spurt (almost like they are re-vegging... dunno why they would re-veg.. anyone else know?).. But yeah, bottom line, am i stressing over nothing and they will flower soon? if so, when should they? i know this is probably a very daft and newb question but i just realllly wanna see some action .. thanks everyone, peace out, Jadcla
Last reply by jadcla, -
Here you go people not sure what it is but one of you might no. Any hints would be awesome Cheers guys
Last reply by bigtime89, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
So this is my second grow, had some success with a window sill experiment last year and felt ready to by some good seeds and get cracking outdoors. Except I have chooks. I figure I can be craftier than the chickens though, right? So smart. I had it all figured out - they don't go for the corriander. Grow in tandem with corriander, chooks won't go near it. Well one of the little fuckers pecked the first of my white widow autos to show it's head. Beautiful little delicate angel, new born, sweetest little leaves just taking shape. And some bludger chicken just gave it a peck. Ignored the tall, eye-catching corriander seedling growing with it and just pecked at my baby. Eno…
Last reply by winkingskeever, -
Bloody Rain! 1 2
by jadcla-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
hey guys, here is the forecast for my weather!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brisbane Forecast IDQ10095 Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology Queensland Brisbane Forecast Issued at 4:50 am EST on Tuesday 24 January 2012 Warning Summary at issue time A Severe Weather Warning is current for heavy rain for Today. For the latest warning information please check the Bureau's web site www.bom.gov.au/qld Forecast for Tuesday Cool. Cloudy w…
Last reply by jadcla, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
Hey guys, just wondering how many of you guys have been successful in getting seeds into Australia. I have read on the internet that a lot of people have always got their seeds but other peoples never turned up, any help would be epic, cheers! pic below is of a nordle seedling ive got growing atm
Last reply by joethejoint, -