Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
Guerrilla pest 1 2
by skeletor- 12 replies
Hey guys. I have a few plants in the bush, they're currently sitting around the two meter mark. I've always grown them around the same area, the plants look otherwise healthy apart from a fluffy/cobwebby substance on some of the stems. Any help would be appreciated. http://i40.tinypic.com/k368ic.jpg
Last reply by reflux 1, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi, have two plants grown from seeds from buds harvested last grow. Its good smoke and the plants grow fast and big. Both plants have had white hairs for weeks, now I find balls and hairs on one of them. Does this just mean that its another herme and will produce buds? Any positive feedback will help. see the pics and see what you think. Both pics are of the same plant, different branches. Thanks
Last reply by reflux 1, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I always like to find Praying Mantis on my plants. This year I've had several on my plants from early on and they are still there. Cannabis must be good camouflage for Praying Mantis to hide in and get a feed. Today I saw one doing his job by catching a sap sucker. They sure are a friend to the grower. I don’t know if they would live indoors under lights! Bigrat.
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
heya last year i grew some plants in my yard but around flowering time i was so paranoid the neighbours would smell my plants that i was really stressed so this year i want to try growing out int he bush so i have some questions how do u decide on a good grow spot? do u just walk out into the middle of the bush until you find somewhere that seem good? what kind of things make a spot good to grow in? how do u not get lost? and close to houses is too close? the soil around here is sorta shit. will i need to carry good soil out there? and what about water? sorry for so many questions!! cheerio chilliii
Last reply by reflux 1, -
First Time Grow 1 2
by pablock- 14 replies
Hi All, I'm very new to all this and I was wondering if anyone has had any success planting into abandoned bush turkey nests? These things are easily 3 meters across and maybe 2-4 feet high. The composition of the soil is loose but heavily humus based & rich in composted organic matter, seems like it would be the perfect medium and also very easy to dig into. I would assume one plant per plot would suffice and also how far can pollen travel, I've found 5 plots and the closest between the two would be 2km? Any feedback would be great.
Last reply by Goonies, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys i have 3 questions so here goes. 1. Is the pot the plant is in to small or will it be fine for a few more months ? What happens to the plant when its rootbound ? 2. Some of the bigger fan leaves are folding getting a little dry on the outer edges, What would cause this ? 3. Can you determine the sex at this age (approx 7 weeks) Cheers.
Last reply by brick, -
- 8 replies
G'day dudes, first time posting here so sorry if its sketchy. I've smoked since I was young and mucked around growing plants in the bush and my backyard but never taken it seriously. I planted in my backyard late September now at January my plant was tipping but didn't look like flowering so out of frustration I ripped it out and started again. I planted this little fella in late Oct, I was away for a month so I think my mum was watering it, I don't know what strain it is or anything but its looking pretty peasant for the time its been in. I used basic potting mix and miracle grow when I planted it, I've only just moved it into a bigger pot, hoping it won't get transpl…
Last reply by Calo, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
I'm just wondering how safe it is buying from bonza seeds for QLD.
Last reply by Pleb Scrubber, -
- 6 replies
Been growing from a clone for the past few years. Normally start in October and harvest in April but this year they are in full flower before summer has really started. Anyone else had this happen? I was hoping they would reveg otherwise the yield will suck
Last reply by Pleb Scrubber, -
- 420 Crew
- Admin
- 7 replies
was hacking my way thru my local bushland when i came across a black box which looked sus as, had been there a while showing rust and what not, but never the less needed investigating, was posting this to warn my fellow outdoorsmans that they can and do bug bushlands with recording devices such as this one, there was a microphone inside it. I was wondering if any of you have found similar things?
Last reply by Carlos Danger Mouse, -
- 7 replies
Last year on the mid nth coast nsw it was a very dry spring. It was a mammoth job just keeping plants alive let alone growing. Then because it was so dry the possums decided my plants tasted pretty good. This year I thought I'd try otto bins with drain holes about a foot or 30cm up from the bottom drill some drain holes Their great no cages needed so u can put them almost anywhere. No termites, wallabies, so far no bloody possums The best thing is they grow without to much work once u put the good dirt in. I get re-earth it's a compost made locally get it by the mtr $70 for 2 mtrs then add some rock minerals chook poo with blood & bone & kelp then when I water …
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, so I gonna start my first outdoor grow in Australia in the next few weeks but as it is may first grow in this climate I have some questions you may help me with:) So firstly, I have the perfect place, no Guerilla grow, it's a medium outdoor grow and I wanted to do it in a greenhouse so my question is will it not be to hot inside? I can install ventiation but no air conditioning or whatever... How many times is it possible to grow int NSW? Can I grow all year long or is the weather in winter not good enough? I will grow auto plants, because in my opinion they are perfect, maybe a bit smaller but very easy to grow... My Seeds: -White Widow Auto Fem. -Amnesi…
Last reply by louise, -
- 6 replies
hey guys~! any one have any experience with Animal repellent? im on a extremely large bit of lend, and afraid of what the kangaroos will do? i have a small are for each strain group wired off but they can clearly jump it. is there a repellent i can pour around the area or any thing like that? Thanks
Last reply by SativaLover, -
hey every one! well my current seeds just sprouted in a 100% coco pot, and i want to put them in a slightly bigger bot soon ready for the veg stage. Now for the mix, i was thinking. coco and perlite?? is that good? what should be added? and aslo what neutriants should i buy for the Veg stage? and how often should i feed them. i have seen cana a and cana b at bunnings and remember it from some growing video? is it good? Thanks, any help is much appreciated !
Last reply by Wealth, -
- 9 replies
So i got my hands on some auto's put some out and have been looking after them consistently apart from one to which i planted in rock hard clay have not watered it have not done anything to it and its Rockin along has anyone else seen or done this before.And do auto's take more time outdoor than indoor to reach flowering stage and is topping auto's a good idea thx
Last reply by louise,