Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 12 replies
Start your clones or seeds indoors or outdoors (which ever rocks ya boat), then place outdoors to grow until they are a couple of feet tall or what ever height is desirable. Force them to flower by placing an opaque black tarp over the plants each evening at 5pm and removing it each morning at 5 am so that the plants receive only 12 hours of light every day,you may have to construct a frame to hold the tarp. Approximately 50 to 70 days(depending on choice of strain)after forcing the buds will be ready to harvest. I made my frame out of poly pipe which makes it easy to dismantle and carry and bought an army tarp from army disposals. also the size of the garden can be …
Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
- 2 replies
i was going through some old cds and found these (i forgot i took them ). this was a NL seed that was in my veggie patch. was just let go no water no feed given by me. buds turned out nice , i got 2 1/2 Ozs off her .
Last reply by Billy Smoker, -
- 2 replies
Ok one more problem, On only one of my girls there is a blueish paste or powder, could this be mould? It is only on one of them, she is in the woods surrounded by other weeds and shit and it seems to start on the buds and have more on the leaves... Does anyone have some photos of mould on buds or know where i can see some?
Last reply by wassily, -
- 8 replies
On only some of the buds on my plant, there is a purple coloring on the hairs and even alittle on the smaller leaves. I hope this is not mold! It seems to be right threw the hairs, as if there is a abondence of purple resin or ferts or somthing????? Any ideas?, sorry i do not have access to a camera to show this...
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 0 replies
Last year i grew red devil from clones. I established clones to about 300mm high on 24 hour light. They flowered as soon they were put outside (mid summer). The previous year i had grown lage plants from clones starting them off on 18 hr light. I am told that some growers are doing indoor outdoor crops, 24 hr light then outside and they flower as soon as there is a reduction in day length . Can anybody tell me more about indoor outdoor crops
Last reply by lahey, -
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My grow site is to be placed close to a creek bed (this is way out bush, so not dodgy), what do you think of using a gravity fed dripper line to constantly water my plants?, the drippers don't let out a huge amount of water per hour, so I don't think it would make the soil soggy. Any suggestions?, criticisms? Thanks, Tazwhacker
Last reply by kellman, -
- 1 reply
I just moved to australia, and i have found the deals here to be expensive, so i have decieded to start growing. I can get hooked up with seeds, except i am not experianced at all with growing so i would like to ask some questions. 1.when should i plant my seeds? 2.how many seeds should i plant? 3.when should i trim the plants? 4.how do i tell which plants are female/male? 5.where should i buy soil/ which soil should i buy? If you would answer these questions and give any other necessary infomation i would appreciate it. I am not looking for a major harvest or anything, i just would like 2 or 3 plants for personal use. thanks
Last reply by doe_girl, -
- 18 replies
Enjoy looking at one of my "6" six footers!!!! :: ::
Last reply by italian_gardener, -
- 13 replies
Sorry but this is going to be along post. We get a brochure from a company in W.A called "Green Harvest Organic Garden Supplies",i just received their latest cattle-dog(catalogue),and have found some products that may be of some benefit to other growers. [/u][/b]Envy This product is mixed with water to create a semi-permeable film,to reduce moisture loss by up to 50% & protect from extreme climatic extremes for up to 3 months.It will increase frost tolerance,reduce transplant shock & drought stress.A good idea for sub-tropical fruit trees in frost prone areas. RainSaver Water Crystal Rainsaver can be placed in the root zone of plants to capture & st…
Last reply by novice grower, -
- 7 replies
What are the best strains for outdoor aus (in vic). Lots of sunshine and good soil. And has anyone heard of this new weed plant that looks nothing like weed?
Last reply by gro_420, -
- 2 replies
:rolleyes:who,s tha man now .? :: things u find in the $2.00 shop.
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 7 replies
You guys that keep up know the plants. For you that dont read new posts everyday, I will start over. I am setting out plants that have been cloned from inside plants and have been growing for 2 months inside. Well I took these plants outside.Transplanted one today,into a rock bed I made for her.
Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
- 3 replies
After harvesting my first crop this April (thank you all at oz stoners for the great information) I started experiencing growing withdrawals ;-) To ease my symptoms I decided to plant an outdoor winter crop with the full expectation that all of the plants would die before maturity. A couple of months have passed and I now have around 20 healthy 1 to 2 foot tall sexed plants in pots, half White Widows the others assorted bag seed. The current plan is to seed the best of the bunch and smoke the rest. My roommate got me thinking however. Since we are only a couple of months from planting time for the summer season could these plants be grown and the buds harvested when rea…
Last reply by ThcAholic, -
- 1 reply
Going to get up early tomorrow morning and check out an old orchard,it is completely overgrown and has a fence around it already. Bonus ! So i am going to get the the ground ready to put plants in at the end of August. Got to go early as where i am going gets hot real quick,the only possible problem i can see in the future is carrying the water. :angry: After i get back,i will let ya's know how it went and how much space i have actually got.And how cover and stuff i got. Cheers.
Last reply by novice grower, -
- 2 replies
Hey all, As most of you know, the police payed a visit to my little crop last year and removed 5 of my 7 beautiful girls, thinking back I have come up with some good advice for people considering growing outdoors. Where ever you place your crop, make sure you have an excuse to be their ie, this year mines going into the national parks and I shoot on a farm that borders the park, so perfect excuse! Also if the plants are in pots, dig the pots into the ground and don't leave any impliments around! I also found by having 2 or 3 plots around the one you can avoid the obvious green patch, sticks out like dogs balls from the air! Anyway, this might not be too helpful but…
Last reply by novice grower,