General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 3 replies
Hello, I have 15 clones in a aero kit, they've just rooted and are looking great. I only need to keep them going for another month until my current crop is finished. Should I be feeding the plants with nutrients? If so, should I just use my normal Canna Vega nutrient or try something else?? Thanks for the help.....again Cheers dwyndorf
Last reply by F420, -
Hi ppl, Done some bush growing b4 but finally got to the point where I had to give indoors a go. So there I am in a cupboard and I realise that I need to have something to drain the nutrients coming out of the pot, as the cupboard will soon rot. So I got a pot tray from K-Mart, but I can see this will just be a problem because the nutrient wont go anywhere and I will have to lift the plant up to drain it out. I am still at the seedling stage so lifting isn't a problem now, but what are the best drainage solutions for a cupboard?
Last reply by F420, -
Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone knows how to prepare rockwool for a grow. In other words do I flush it first or what? Also if I could have the correct ph level for growool. Thanx
Last reply by TopNotch, -
its me again love the site and all your advise. Here is another couple of questions. when in bloom , lets say three weeks into it, top lookin nice , starting to fill out. is it safe to presume that by removing the lower branches, the scanky lookin buds and storky branches that get stuff all light . will this aid the top to bud better or not. and is it true u cant look at your plants or should i say show them any light no matter what during lights off, cause my mate recons it doznt harm them or slow them down but ive read different. oh and one last question: why is the sky blue
Last reply by MARTYR, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Ive seen and heard about it many times but still the general thought Im alittle inexperianced with it and having alittle trouble finding more information as to how to do it properly anyone give me some tips?? Thank you
Last reply by Nath, -
- 24 replies
I know theres about 4000 fan questions on this board but I just wanted an opinion on my fan situation and basically double check my thought process I have 5 120mm computer fans running on 3 dimmer switchs 2 intake 2 exhaust 1 circulation Each fan rougly moves 18-30 cfm of air, this in my 4x4x2 grow cube. Does this sound like an adiquate about of air flow? The reason I went with the computer fans is obviously cheap to run, small and super super quiet (all double ball-bearing)...... Any thoughts on wether or not it will be enough please let me know. Thank you
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 3 replies
well he we go again . my puppies are just about ready to go into the 12/12 stage . i have a few ? 1. cansomeone please fill me in about this product called la femme . when to use it? . what is its use? . and how often to use it ? 2. do u change nuts straight away or what is the best way. 3. when do u start to add superbud agent and is this stuff any good. 4. and any other tips would be grateful. also i just read a post in here that if you change the lighting down to 6 hours for 3 days this will let you know if it is going to be a male or female. can anyone agree with this or has anyone tried this w…
Last reply by F420, -
- 15 replies
hey ya here,s a good idea for a cheap nft recirc system, all you need is a flat plastic storage bin with top ie under bed storers are perfect, also you need a medium pond pump x Kmart $17.00 under bed storer about $12.00 from most salvage stores 1 13 /15 mm t piece about 12 cm of garden hose , not for bong,,, Tools required drill 1 self tapping screw small, stanley knife or similar instructions as follows , mind your fingers and play safe.
Last reply by tassie devil, -
Flushing perlite
by Guest- 5 replies
Hello every1,How long do i need to flush perlite for if using 15 litre pots/Perlite?If i give a good flush the last 3-4 days will there still be traces of chemicals/Nutes?Ive been using Manutec 2 part hydroponic nutrient and Nutriboost,I will be flushing with ph adjusted rain water is this ok?Thanks
Last reply by F420, -
- 6 replies
Im new to the growin and stuff and i was wondering how do u tip plants. anything will help
Last reply by pistillwhipped, -
I have read alot and I am not doing this right ,But it is working for me.I have five plants in soil that have been grown that way since my last post.Well I put them in a tank with 15 gallons of water/Miracle Grow appox. a tablespoon are so, then I added Rose flower bloom add. About a tablespoon a gallon. I am going to add pics in my next post. They are off the chain, already have a couple 1/4 lb harest off these plants. My lights just went off so pics will be later. Its a different set up. Sorry if I am hard to understand I live in the US. Not a mate but I enjoy reading you guys posts. Later Stoned in the middle of New York , New York, and miami , Flordia. Check the map…
Last reply by States Zone, -
hi there . just wondering if this is to much to be running on one powerboard. 1 x 100mm outake fan 1 x 100mm intake fan 1 x heater pad 150w 1 x water pump only small 1 x osc fan 1 x 400w hps light
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
sounds stupid but iv'e been looking for an osc fan for weeks now and noone has any in stock . but i really need one now. so does anyone no where u can get one at this time. cheers
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Flowering NPK
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello every1,Is half strenth 3.1/7.3/8.4 a good flowering mixture?As i want to use rain water,But if i make full strenth it will go under and i dont have ph up So i made it up at half strenth and was good It looked to me it was to strong at full strenth anyway as they were showing signs of clawing (Over fert)So i flushed,Using rain water again,And using half strenth nutes,Hoping they dont claw up any more and recover Any suggestions welcome,What is the NPK ratio youse are using for flowering plants,Just curious.Thanks
- 0 replies
Ive allways braged about how good gen hydro products are, they have just put out a new product has anyone tried this product? Jack
Last reply by jackfrost,