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Been Awhile



well hey there all


i have been taking a break of late due to a few reasons but it aint stopping me growing lol


still got all the projects on the go and lets say i been a busy boy :sdj:


so anyhoo enough with the pleasantry's lets get down to bizzo


The Malawi gold is now at about week 12 and finally you can start seeing some brown hairs (yes she is a long flowering bitch lol) so basicly my plans are to let her go to week 13 and then flush for a full week so she will be harvested at week 14 (unless the clones that are replacing them root faster then i might re think it and flush early). The reason for the extra week is i wanna see if there is much more bud size put on it between now and then. In the last week there has been a small amout of extra size put on and im hoping it may continue right upto the end.


Right Hand Side



Left Hand Side



Some random budshots









Ok so with that out of the way we move onto the BadAssBerry and i must say i am blown away already by the smell of this strain such a beautiful berry stench and as you will see by the pics she is already frosting up noicely. They are at week 4ish in these pics so abit more size to put on as yet but cant wait too see the end result. They will be harvested at week 9 after a full week of flush.






No bud shots yet will leave that till next week :-)


Now the main room is in full swing has been in flower for about 3 weeks or so. So along time yet before they done :-) they are about to be hit with PK13/14 so that sits in the res for a week and after that you will start to see a big boost in size.


Right Hand Side (4 pots x 4 clones per pot)



Left Hand Side (4 pots x 4 clones per pot)





So there ya have it so far


hope yas all enjoy and i'll see yas around the joint im sure


cheerz lol


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Why spankyou rose


alot of time and alot of effort plus alot of room changes have now come to the point where im actually happy and content with how its all running so now to sit back and reap the rewards of said hard work :bongon:


you know me always working hard aaaahahahahhaa

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AH hahahaha. Working hard! ^_^


One thing I have come to learn with growing is that there is always something that needs fine tuning or de-bugging...

But yeah, once ya have things set up and running smoothly, it's nothing but clear sailing. :)



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