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LED light



Slightly unsure whether to be using the LED light yet, i noticed it gives out alot of red tones, and very minimal blues, and apparently the cooler day light is what i wantt during the veg process. After the one night under LED its hard to yet know if its a suitable option JUST YET, as there was no visible growth from the appearance, where as usually the CFL i see the growth on a daily basis, however i did JUST transport them to their new "longer pots" so perhaps the disturbance is the reason for lack of growth, or maby the growth all took place at the roots, as you can see by the photo just 8 hours of being in their new pots the roots are having a good stretch already which i think is a good sign, i just hope they dont go creeping out the holes...




I have concerns about rot, but ill make a post about it so i can get some advice :)


Ill continue to use the LED light at night, and give plants sunlight during the day for the next few days and will update if iv noticed a slowing of growth

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