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Am I sane?



As you may have read I had an existential discussion with myself and won in my last blog. After some, semi-couples therapy I had administered to myself and me I am happy to say that I am all friends again.


I suppose you're thinking now. Is he insane?


The answer is very complicated though. Because I believe myself to be insane therefore I am sane, as anyone who knows that they are crazy cannot be, but this in turn creates an oxymoron which cannot possibly exist in this universe. Therefore I am forced to come to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with me and that it is the universe that is crazy or wrong. So in short the universe needs a lot of rest and some medication so that it can overcome it's insanity, it's a shame that all the asylums nearby are within the universe so no doctor can properly treat it seeing as since they exist within the universe and therefore are crazy themselves.


This might explain why geniuses are living in poverty and the mentally inept are in power. I would ask you to help the universe get well but I know that you all are just as crazy as it so there is no point. I also seem to have realized that I have contradicted myself as I live within the universe and therefore have to be as crazy as it, but as I understand that I am, and therefore I am not, I will have to logically assume that I am only half crazy and that I only half exist in the universe.


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