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Welcome to The Strain Guide Blog



As some of you would have no doubt noticed the Strain Guide has been out of action for a little while now , I have been working on it in my spare time fixing the issues that where stopping it from being used to it's full potential ( ie it working properly :bongon: )


I have gotten out allot of bugs which where really only clear once we had a wide range of people trying to submit reports and using the database.



One of the Key changes we have made that you will notice when it is relaunched is that you can now give a quick report or a detailed report , and the form you use to fill out for your report is now split up into steps (pages) Two of which can be skipped if your feeling lazy . The first page is and will always remain information we want about any report in the strain guide so please do your best to take the time and fill these fields out correctly , Afterall in the end we can make the best software in the world and it would still be useless without good solid content



Anyways this is the area I am going to use to rant about any frustrations I'm having with the strainguide or to throw idea's out to the public about possible changes


Please feel free to use the comment system as your own way of doing the same If you have sugestions or gripes with the strain guide please voice them here so it can be looked at and hopefully dealt with


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