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All my girls in 1 humble place
Entries in this glog
GARDEN STLYE: Indoor GROWING MEDIUM/SOIL STRUCTURE: Coir with perlite vermiculate mix POT/CONTAINER SIZE: 2 Gal geopots NUTRIENT/FEED MIX: Professors nutrients (PN) a+b @ 25ml per 10l, PN flower booster, Canna Rhizotonic (intermittant), Mycobiome arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. FEEDING CYCLE: Daily watering with nutrient mix at around 700ml per plant (VK a little less), flush every 2 weeks. FLOOR SPACE: 800mmx800mm AREA HEIGHT:1600mm LIGHTING: HPS WATTAGE:400w AVG TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY: weather de
G'day! Thanks for jumping on my glog! I hope I get the idea of what this is all about right, it feels good to pen my thoughts in a place I feel I may be accepted by like minded folks! Here goes... Just going to kick things off with a bit of background about what I've been up to grow-wise over the past few years and where I'm headed now. Like many folks do, 4 years ago or so I got jack of the repeated hustle of trying to find decent Ganj to support both my physical and mental health and acquire