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1st grow /pic , where do i put my pics??
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hey all , i left my plant with a mate for 4 weeks he did he best looking after her , not over waltering and stuff, its starting to flower , but now it looking a bit yellow, its been put in to a bigger pot be for i lift and has doubled is size , its no longer in side under lights , i moved it out side to full sun and thats all it gets now , what do you think ??
ok so i went out of town for 2 weeks put my plant out side , i put the pot and a bow full of Walter , at sum pont i new it was going to run out / use it up and it did , i got home and it looked KIA i gave it lots of Walter and pulled the bad leaf off , it back to looking good and growing strong , i have seen ppl clone plants to find out the sex but im still new at this i but think im up for it , so what do you think the likey hood will be % still 50/50 ill put a pic be for and after/a
hey all , today a made my 1st light bank , got all the parts for $144 inc(4 130w 6400k CFL lights)1 was DOA so got to send it back, it turned out ok , testing it now , going to add a reflectorized bit of pipe cut in 1/2 bit yeah .let me know what you think , oh and the little one is growing strong it about 1 1/2 weeks i added a fan because it was starting to get to tall and looked like to fall over . other then that i think im doing ok , i have sterted on my new grow room will put pics up soon
hey just shoot this pic,she`s about 1 week or a bit ,just showing ya ,let me know what you think . have a good 1
hey all , would just like to say im new here 1st post , i hope i can get to know you and make sum new mates on here that love to chill and smoke up . just started my 1st grow,got 1 out of 5 seeds come up , they where like 2 years old ,so still good , dont know what they are so when it get`s bigger any help in find out what they are would be kool . growing them in sun and CFL at night , im looking at geting a grow box/GROW TENT and need sum help picking out what i need , i got $500 going to the s