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flowering but looking a bit Yellow ?is this bad , im thinking so



hey all , i left my plant with a mate for 4 weeks he did he best looking after her , not over waltering and stuff,


its starting to flower , but now it looking a bit yellow, its been put in to a bigger pot be for i lift and has doubled is size ,

its no longer in side under lights , i moved it out side to full sun and thats all it gets now , what do you think ??blogentry-45987-0-10508500-1326729704_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-70951200-1326729723_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-15395800-1326729745_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-42154100-1326729767_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-56426800-1326729790_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-94675300-1326729808_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-28430200-1326729826_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-69881600-1326729839_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-53220400-1326729853_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-43585800-1326729875_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-35458900-1326730039_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-90759000-1326730055_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-68656500-1326730069_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-41156900-1326730088_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-46213700-1326730104_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-83941700-1326730120_thumb.jpgblogentry-45987-0-23969100-1326730135_thumb.jpg


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i have been reading up on this and by the looks of it some yellow is ok ,so i may have jumped the gun ,


so far with help from you all ,my 1st grow (aka)this test run with sum seeds that i got for free off a good mate is working out good ,

so good that im thinking of starting sum good seed`s my Ganja Dwarf lowrider lowryder in 2-3 weeks ,

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make an organic brew/tea ..... searles 5n1 in a sock/stocking in a bucket of water ..... ph down your water first to like 5.5 or 5.8 ...... and then 50/50 to the water and tea ........ leave the tea for a few days ...... (sock or stocking with searles 5n1) in a bucket of water...... should be ok ...
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towards the end some of the big shade leaves do that too,plus if you forget to water it and it gets realy thirsty and wilts,it will yellow and start to shut down alot of its leaves,they will die but most of the others will come back when watered again.
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Is the plant getting enough phosphorus? Also check the salinity of the grow medium, salt build up can cause yellowing as well as lack of phosphorus during flowering. if salt is an issue flush the medium with lots of clean water.


Some beginners make the mistake of thinking the plant is not getting enough nutes and up the dosage which also increases the salinity of the medium.


So I have heard.

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Lots of things can cause yellowing. Too wet, too dry, too much heat, age, over fertilising, changing locations too much (plants kind of get used to where they are).


Remove any really bad leaves and then try a weak nutrient solution on one or 2 and see how it goes. But don't over water, most pot is from arid climates and is better off a little drier than wetter. Good luck!

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You need to have the plant in 8 hours of sunlight a day, only take the big old water leafs off and, not all of them at once. make sure you give it water as, that is a clear sign of yellowing, you can give it orchide food and, orchide bloom booster but not at the same time, as it has the right stuff in these products that plants need at the different stages, of growing. For the shock give it charle carp or fish emultion the also love mushroom compost.


I would give it the charlie carp every second day with water, then when it picks back up hit it with the orchide bloom boster and water, about a week before harvesting just give it water and compost. See how you gow as it is yellow i would put it in filtered sunlight for a while as the sun will burn the leafs as they are yellow.


Give that a go mate and, she should come good

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I would try a table spoon of dolomite [ best added before sowing ] and feeding with a good fert  , but only as directed on the label ....  


I like to use Maxicrop fortnightly , with a little slow-release [ eg : Osmocote plus ] to supplement .    [ with dolomite and trace elements added when making the soil mix - crappy commercial bark mixes often create problems after a while  ]  . 

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