About this glog
medical marijuana- I'm just one of many people out there who need it.
Entries in this glog
A new brand of bongs is going to hit Australia by storm in 2011, all of which are glass on glass, affordable, and 5mm quality. The manufacturer is also the leading maker of several major bong companies and is 'the' major exporter to Canada, the UK, Holland, and the USA. The brand name has not been released as of yet and will be made public on the 5th of November 2010. These will be available wholesale to any business which wishes to stock them. They will be affordable at around the same pr
well i've decided to make this blog so that people who are confused over the idea on medical marijuana for people who need it and not need it. I personally need it to stop anemia and a few other problems, and I've decided to open up a photo gallery of my trips to hospital, blood tests, and surgery when I require it. So far i've had six polyps out of my intestine caused by my illness, my intestine gets inflammed and there's nothing to take. Normal anti-inflammatories actually make it worse,