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Jett54 last won the day on August 13 2012

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    Rec. & Medicinal
  • Favourite Strain
    White russian
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Cannabis Cultivation

  • Fav. Lighting
    1000w HPS in Cool tube

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  1. You should check out the solis-tek range, far superior to Philips son-t, and they are designed for digi ballasts. And their ballasts are also VERY good, I swapped my lumatek 600w digi ballast for a solis-tek 600w digi and never looked back. Having said that, I used my son-t 600HPS in a digita lumatek ballast and never had any problem. And I agree, if Phillips had a bad batch ,they would have recalled them immediately..........
  2. Hi All, I was wondering if any one has had any experience using the B.A.C range. It was recommended to me at my local store as a better and cheaper alternative to Canna. My local has started stocking this brand. My friends back in Europe tell me this is widely used there. I'm considering the coco grow a&b and the coco bloom a&b additives: -Final solution (supposed to be great for treating water and keeping the system clean and healthy) -Root Stimulator (supposed to stimulate and keep roots healthy) -Bloom Stimulator (supposed to increase uptake of the roots) * I was told all three stimulate bacteria which works as an enzyme (instead of Cannazyme) - And lastly the Organic bloom nutrient as a Canna boost replacement. I have used the root stimulator before with impressive results....so thought why not try the whole range + my local store reckons its good stuff. Thought??
  3. They have been cut and dried, and are currently being enjoyed. Just to update everyone, they were spider mites, I gave it a bit of pyrethrum for aout a week, and then got frustrated and sprayed with kill-a-mite. In retrospect, should have just fed the kill a mite into the nutrient solution uds and leaves)(so not to leave those nasty chemicals on the b as it is systemic, but had short term memory issued at the time. the killa mite did the trick, bit overkill I know, but I did have quite a few weeks to harvedst at that time.thanks for all the advise and support
  4. Will you be running an A/C unit? From what I've read a split level inverter would be the way to go as it blows the same air into the room that it sucks out maintain the Co2 levels and pressure. I'm no expert, but I would think you'd need at least a 6.3Kw unit. Would also help with the humidity down. Cheapest units I've found: http://www.domainappliances.com.au/air-conditioning/inverter-reverse-cycle-split-systems.html Also which brand are you considering? from what I have read, sentinel and harvest master seem to be the best brands.
  5. Ok, thanks to everyone's advise I conceded that's it's not Mold, it is a critter. I had a look with my scope and under the damaged leaves I noticed little black dots and what seemed like little clear/whitish ballons/sacks. Tiny.... had to use my 60x scope. I also noticed that's the leaves had tiny puncture holes only noticable with then hps on. So I've spraid pyrythum everyone every 12hrs 3times so far and since the first spray I see no meet movement on the top of the leaf which I did when I first posted 2 days ago. They seems like moving pieces of rice again tiny barley visible to the naked eye. I think I have beat them, but in 2 years this is my first pest experience.... so may be I haven't no idea how hard it is to best them. I'll spray one more time today and leave it for 2 or 3 days, I believe most critters have a 7 day life cycle. If all else fails might see about getting preditory mights neoseliois calfifonicus and hypoasis from what I've read.... Again thanks for all the advise and please share any thoughts ideas and previously successful stratagies...
  6. No foliar feed never tried it. Coco with 30 percent perlite, drip feed once a day. Canna coco a and but, canazyme, ryzotonic, boost, ok13-14 and superthrive up to week 4 ish
  7. No seems only on the lowest fan and shades leaves does not look like its on their flowers. Trying to upload more pics, buy on their mobile and it's not easy: (
  8. It seems to be only on the bottom third of the plant
  9. Hi everyone. I hve some strange looking things on my leaves, have not really had to deal with mold yet. Is what you see know the photo mold? If not what is it, and if so what's is the beat way to deal. In week 4 of flower.
  10. Thanks all, Devilspine you were right, once I flushed it went away, and tere was no negative affect on the plant. So happy happy happy!!! Haratio Hornblower, I used boost from about week 4, cannzyme throughout flowering, pk13-14 in week 5 and shooting powder (H&G) in weeks 6,7,8 and then flushed for 2 weeks. You are probably right, I went too far. But I had it at home so i thought Id give it a crack. Next cycle will be either pk13-14 or shooting powder, not sure which yet, but thanks for the tip
  11. Jett54

    Pot Sizes

    So I have decided to go 2 x 50L pots and see what happens. Of all my reading and comments made here, I think that this would be the best option! My dilemma now is whether to scorg (netting or not), token JJ has made many comments that make sense to me and have helped and in one of the above posts he mentioned that larger pots are the go but also "I don’t get close to that with scrog or smaller pots or any other method"..........so I have to think about whether to do netting or not....hmmmm.................
  12. I am using one cool tube now, just the one with 1000W hps. I have a split level ac running 24/7 maintaing 25C and it reaches about 27-28 max inside the chamber with the 1 x 1000wHPS I noticed a much more even spread of growth with the 2 x 600W, but it was genereating more heat than 1 x 1000w and although very slight, a bit less of a yield than the 1000w, so the extra 200w was not increasing the end result just makes it nicer to look at So my opinion is that 1 x 1000w is better if the spave is less than say 1.5x1.5x2 than 2x600W.
  13. Hi all, I noticed about a week ago that on the top of my medium there was some white mold/fungus. Medium is 70%canna coco and 30% perlite. Using canna coco A&B, cannazyme, boost and running shootong powder (H&G). Im in week 8 and 3 weeks to go. should I worry? I was thinking about sparing a weak pythoff solotion just on the top of the medium......any thought on what it couldbe? How it got there and what to do if anything! I will begin flushing in a week! My main concern if its mold it will spread to the flowers oh and using a 1000WHPS in cool tube in a 1.2x1.2x2
  14. Of all things I have lost in my life I miss my mind the most!
  15. Ok, (sorry for the long absence), so I gather the consensus is that 1 x 1000W is going to have better results that 2 x 600w in a 1.2x.1.2x2 are. My thought were that 2 points of light are better than one, but the more watts = better results make sense to me. So unless there are any other opinions 1 x 100w seems the go!
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