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Hey all are hermies caused by stress or genetic problems?

and will seeds taken from them turn out hermie?

Sorry guys posted the damn question twice....way to stoned for this lol, i'll give up before i do sumthin even dumber

Edited by Lofty
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I removed your other post ,


as for what makes a hermie , there are a few factors the first is the genetics of the plant there will be males there will be females and because of the way genetics in not only plants but also people works there will be mutants aswell ( just like there are with people lol)


Now a plant that has the hermie trait in it doesn't nesseceraly have to show it at first but over generations or through cloning, stress or light leaks you'll find out that even though it can be dormant for a long time it can become active again and therefore turn the plant into a hermie wwhich is what happens when a plant is " stressed" to change


If you have come across this issue and it's with a line you realy wanna keep I sugest you try the following


Take about 15 - 20 clones from the plant and in various places , and put those into root , once they have rooted start to stress them with speratic feeding , and light cycles, this will force the potential hermies to become hermies and as they do you simply get rid of that cutting , at the end you should have at least a single female that has remained a female , from here you can use it as your mum or you can clone each a few times and start the experiment again gettign rid of even more of the trait , once you get to the point where your happy with your female/hermie ratio , pic your mum and hang onto her

I would also repeat this process every 6 month to a year to make sure that the trait doesn't surface again


If thats not realyl what your after jus tlet me know and I'll see how I can help further

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Hermies really fuck with my head. I've had hermies in both my grows sofar, by hermies i mean just a very few male flowers pop out in very limited numbers in the bud. On the up side I haven't found a single seed in the end result yet. My hermie issues may be environmental as i LST the fuck out of my plants **see pic** I have no light leaks and conditions are generally within accepted perameters.




The above girl showed no hermie traits....


...this one did, **would you pick it** the male flowers were very well hidden ie just a single flower here and there that were found more by accident than anything else.





Makes me think that the hermie trait may be more common than we think and that often they go unnoticed. They're easier to spot after harvest but still you really need to know exactly what you're looking for.

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its time to kill my hermie or maby its juist a flat out male i dont know eneough to tell it has the hairs that i belive are female but then again it also has balls on it about 10 of them i dont wantot just pick themoff last tie it just complewatly stopped the growth of the plant so im just going to kill it and use the leafs to roll a joint never tried but ive seen it and have patience
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because i dont have a friggen camra ive been trying to get one for a few months now and its infurating i have a mac so it is a little more difficult to find one whre the software is compatable not a lot harder but the cheap ones arent mac compatable for the most part that ive seen i think im going to just take my sisters and hope she doesnt gett really pissed off actually i just had a great idea polaroids i have a camra i just need film for it time to go to the store
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because i dont have a friggen camra ive been trying to get one for a few months now and its infurating i have a mac so it is a little more difficult to find one whre the software is compatable not a lot harder but the cheap ones arent mac compatable for the most part that ive seen  i think im going to just take my sisters and hope she doesnt gett really pissed off actually i just had a great idea polaroids i have a camra i just need film for it time to go to the store



Canon , sony, Nikon and Kodak are just a few that spring to mind that make mac drivers , that are available for downloading off of thier site ,


alternativly what you can do is get a flash card reader that plugs straight into your usb or firewire ( depends which ya got ) the one I have reads over 35 types of flash cards so needless to say I have not come across something used in modern computers , phones and cams that I can't read , it does it all hotswapable aswell so I am not worryign about damagign data and also it will work multi multiplatform , all you have to do is mount the device to a drive letter and your done lol

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