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I believe that only complete bongs are Illegal,

Eg- my local shop sells componets and says its ok.



the manufacturing/sale of any waterpipe or bubler in QLD is prohibited to the best of my knowlage , has been that way since dec or jan (can't remember which )


drypipes and spoons ect fall into a loophole , like I think chambers probably could

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The ozstoners Shop will sell to anyone in any area because we are not legaly abliged to know all the laws for the area's we serve however you are required to check with your local laws about purchasing such items as they are shipped from a location where paraphanalia is legal , Should you be caught with the item your breakign the law however we will still send it to you with the belif that you have reaserched your local laws and are happy to still proceed


and for the reccord zero items have ever been stopped buy aussie post , customs or anyone else besides the intended reciver ^_^


as for shops up thier still stockign stuff yeah they do but liek in NSW it is very under the counter and is still illegal , the manufacturing of most of the items in places like off ya tree is done in victoria, the reason for this is mainly the difference in offences , to sell a bong or have bongs for sale is a large on the spot fine however for manufacturing in a place like QLD your lookign at a much heaftier fine or possible charge

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gimmie gimmie :)



best of luck with it all meerkat and try not to let pittiful prohabition laws deter you from your passion as I am sure there has to be an "artistic purpose" defence to back you up should you ever get into trouble for it,


My sugestion would really to be to learn your laws back to front , both those that will harm what your doign and also those ones that contain the loopholes that will help you get away with it ^_^ it would also definatly help you if you where to do other non mj related items as it will look more like an artistic passion then rather than just "makign bongs " even if they are nice and perdy :P

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