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Hi , i have recently ordered a VRIPTECH VWT I Kit & Vallon . Does anybody have these same items ?What is their verdict & do they have any tips or hints ?Basically are they any good ?

I also have a Verdamper deluxe model vaporiser.Which is absolutely fantastic.The biggest vape hits you could possibly imagine .If anybody has any thoughts or questions regarding the Verdamper . please let me know .Thankyou & best wishes .



Edited by huge001
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(some time later... lol)


Yes I've got the VWT-II and the Valloon and they are most excellent. I hope never to pull a cone again, after using the VWT-II exclusively for a few years now. The thought of inhaling smoke makes me feel ill, but then I never liked smoking in the first place it was always a means to an end for me.


The Valloon is excellent. Like all products it's got its pros and cons, just like the Volcano, but I enjoy it immensely. If you've got any questions or problems just give me a hoi.


A replacement for the Steinel hot air gun is in the works, I'm hoping to hear something more on this later this year. It's at the prototype stage and sounds like it's coming along nicely. It'll be medical grade, moreso than the Volcano apparently, with isolated, silicon dipped electronics and medical grade surfaces throughout the airflow. 2nd or 3rd generation will hopefully be cordless rechargeable which will be the final nail in the coffin in my opinion.


Vriptech gear takes a bit of practice to get your technique down, a lot of people can't get past this initial barrier, but if you persevere and use it exclusively you'll feel the difference in your lungs very quickly. The taste is an order of magnitude better, my mouth is salivating at the thought right now :P

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VRIP takes a bit of practice to get the technique down pat.Could you please elaborate a bit more  & do you have any special tips ? Thankyou & best wishes .


Your best bet is to start with the instructions on their website and have a go yourself. The best way to learn this is from doing it and then modifying your technique as you go. I'll post some more details later tonight as I've got to run.

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Shivan , i ordered the VRIP & Valloon from www.vriptech.com . And my Verdamper from www.de-verdamper.nl . To see the Verdamper in action click on the picture of the deluxe model.After seeing that i bought one straight away.But if you're gonna go for a Vrip , it's probably better to get the heatgun in Australia.If you want the top of the range Steinel LCD contact Samson at norray@sprint.net.au , he's a good guy , mine cost $264 .If you want something a bit cheaper , but still very good, go for the Makita HG1100 . They have them at Bunnings for $139.Just make sure the heatgun has variable temp. setting & ceramic heating core .Hope this helps.BTW don't buy the soldiering iron type vape with the dome.It was the first one that i bought & they're shithouse.



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Thanks for the info the Verdamper looks cool, i had a look at the VRip and Vallon but i get a little lost. I understand the principle but looking at those pics is no good cause i dont know the differance or what all the bits i would need. Ill have to do some more reading, also see if that heat gun is sold locally.


Thanks again

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i may be stoned but it seems to be all vrips and vraps ..... i aint smoked no nic for 3 wks now ....... and just 1 cone of herer ...... so wtf is the best thing to buy ? it's all too complicated for me right now ..... i just want a spliff ...... but am trying like fuk to pull the pin . mmmmmm any help , the oo7 kit looks good but look at the $$$$$ jesus :smoke
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The Volcano.


There are lots of threads here at OS about vapourisers - so searching the forums here and elsewhere is a good way to start.


Basically you've got two types of vapouriser - ones that work and ones that are cheap. That's elitist and an exaggeration, but after buying and using a few I'd personally either stick with your bong or if you're willing to spend a fair bit of money and can justify it - go for an expensive one first off instead of wasting your money, being disappointed, and never trying vapourisers again.


But hey, some think I'm biased on this topic lol


Your cheap hot-plate models at most headshops are about $100-120? They're ok, but they burn buds ever so slightly and don't taste all that nice. Most are not temperature calibrated to any level of accuracy, so sometimes you end up timing it instead - turn it on til you start seeing vapour and turn off, repeat as required.


From there I'd skip straight to either the Volcano or the Vriptech gear. Quite a few people are very, very happy with other vapourisers - I can never remember their names but there are a couple made out of blocks of wood using the same principle as the hot-plate ones but drawing air through a glass straw kind of thing. Many swear by these but I've never had one and I can't imagine they're quite as nice tasting as a Vrip.


I would buy a Volcano if I could afford it, instead I went with a Vriptech VWT-II before the Volcano was available, and recently the Valloon as a cheaper option in the cash-strapped Silly Season. There are health concerns with both, particularly using a heat gun with the Vrip.


I've never heard of anyone having problems, or of known problems with the ceramic-core heat guns like the Steinel. Vriptech and Steinel say about the most likely outcome is minute amounts of carbon from the fan blade, but a single joint contains more carbon than you could inhale from the Steinel fan in a lifetime, so they say. Others have pointed out the ceramic core is further insulated with ceramic a flexible bog-role of ceramic fibre - some of it exposed to the airflow. This is a worry, but then so are all metal parts in contact with the airflow, the electronics housed near the inlet, the electronic wires attached to the heating element in the middle of the airflow.....


The Volcano apparently has its electronics laid bare, but uses medical/food grade surfaces throughout the airflow. Some are equally sceptical about this, but most probably the Volcano is the safest we have. If you're potentially inhaling toxic metals and plastics, you may as well stick with a hot-plate or your bong.


You can pick up vapourising bubble attachments for your bong (those "crack-pipe" tools OMFG ::P;) - do buds, hash and oil in a little glass bubble - Freewheelin in SA may still sell them online but I've seen them in local headshops too. Like the hot-plates, they're fucking brilliant with oil. In fact what I would do is make oil and/or hash and stick with a hot-plate - but then again you're risking higher penalties and probably criminal records for being in possession of those evil things (probably one of the safest ways to use cannabis) :P


So yeah, in my opinion, if you're not willing to spend $400+ ($1000 for the Volcano or $200'ish for a Steinel and $200'ish for a Valloon/VWT) wait until the technology matures and they get cheaper. I wouldn't spend more than $3-400 myself - in time, given competition, they will get down to this price. Personally, I think it's worth it. I couldn't go back to smoking cones, I dread the day that someone offers me one and I'm so desperate that it's actually attractive. My lungs were always pretty bad, but goddamn it's like night and day. The ritual, the feeling - it's all there. But in addition it's like drinking nectar - all of the subtle flavours and fragrances that you get from each strain, 100% taste, and no coughing. That's easily worth $1000 in my opinion, but I've already spent way too much on vapourisers already so I too am waiting for the next generation...

Edited by niall
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