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Kindness; return of the son of

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High everyone,

                        I thought it was about time to try and lighten the mood a little and what better way than to give away some free seeds.

So welcome to                                    'Return of the son of kindness rewards'




If you are new to this all you need to do is nominate someone here that you think deserves a reward, just for being nice.

I will be leaving this thread open for 2 weeks and will announce the winner on 26/8/2020.

Feel free to just mention a name or explain why you think they are a kind person.

Unlike last time I wont require a separate PM but feel free to nominate someone by PM if you wish.


The lucky Kind person selected by my assistant Mz Information will receive........Drum Roll


A 10 pack of the Seedsman seeds of their choice  (suggestions for a good choice are also welcome)


We all know kind people, now is a good time to show some appreciation.

Over to you good people




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OK, I'll make a start

I nominate Dingo.

IMHO he's been one of the more level heads on OSA over the years.

He's respectful of others opinions (even when they've been clearly wrong) and offers advice when he has the information to share ie he don't talk shit for the sake of just making a post.

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On the topic of kindness, I would like to thank the members who have helped me develop plans to improve Seedsmans service to our Aussie customers.

I have had some great suggestions which people clearly put a lot of thought into, some of them doing so whilst coping with huge personal issues.

Thank you.

I have had a lot of discussion with Mr Seedsman himself about this and there will be some big changes coming up that will improve ordering and delivery of seeds especially for Australia.

I cannot give away details but please be aware that I have acted on every single suggestion that has been sent to me and I am working hard to help make Seedsman the best I can for Australians.

I will announce our changes as soon as I can with a great deal of fanfare and some giveaways, I am sure everyone will be pleased with the new, improved Seedsman for Aussies coming soon.



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as far as my personal education in weed ettiquette and canna college, my vote goes 2 micmac


he also offers pearls of wisdom 2 any struggling first timers. yes his love 4 high strength dank makes him somewhat incoherent at times but his hearts in right place


5 seeds 4 him and 5 seeds 4 sedge for always throwing a diff perspective and funny words outta a suss situation


2 men [i hope] who u can throw anything at get an unbiased answer

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Just a quick hello to let you know I haven't gone anywhere, been working out some details on Seedsmans new Australian service, still a month or two away but great changes are coming. 

It is a nice change to read a thread like this and the last kindness reward, all the more so for the shitstorm out there we call 2020, we all need a little ray of sunshine occasionally.

How can I promote this thread to have more people nominated? Neon font ?



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All good  Try Blu

                            on a nicer note

I am giving free seeds to a kind person, if you can think of someone deserving head over here recognise them







Good morning Mick,


I nominate you. You sound half decent. Don’t seem to get your panties in a bunch like half the others. ...........yep.........you will do.


Give yourself some seeds buddy.  Good job. :)

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