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Not another bloody germination thread....

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Yup, sorry!!


First post on a great community forum.


Grown on and off over the years, bag seed, outdoors, indoors with a 400HPS in the roof etc etc.

It was always guerrilla style, because of my then young kids being at home and me not wanting them to be aware, so in the roof in the middle of the night when everyones asleep, did just the basics and always did ok ( always pottered in the garden over many years, green thumbs, which gave me a good foundation).

Anyway, kids flown the coop so bought a Mars Hydro light and 120x60 tent, and secured some GHS SuperLemonHaze with which to restart the passion. 2 beans, SCROG, longish veg, see what happens, tweaking as I go( lots of that still to tackle, but until I get these beans going, I won't be needing anything tweaked!).



Placed two SLH seeds in lukewarmish formerly boiled kettle water till they sank, around 4 hours, but no sign of tails ( contradictory info during research has some advising not to drown the beans, whilst others are germing in the actual water...) then flicked them into a couple of squares of kitchen paper, then wet, not soaked 'em and throw 'em in a ziplock with a mouthful of air.( as per instructions all over this forum).They sit on a newly purchased heat mat( no temp gauge, but nice and snug). After a few hours went back and thought it may be a little too aggressively heating the bag, so lifted the ziplock by putting it on top of those black sponges that comes with the mat, elevating it off the mat by an inch.


Anyway...that was Tuesday evening.


As you do when a newb, I'm checking on them twice a day at least. To date( Sunday evening) there's not much been happening . One of the two seeds has split maybe 50% down one side, with a whiteness showing, but no taproom, whilst the other looks the same as it did when I removed it from its packaging. I'm being careful, not squashing touching.


This is where you cats n kittens come in...


Is this normal? 

Is more patience needed even for freshly purchased seeds? 

Should I be thinking of dropping another two beans, fearful that these two aint gonna play ball potentially?

Would it make sense to take them and resoak them?

Ive read and searched, so please don't think heres another newb wanting all the answers on a plate...I'm generally pretty self sufficient, but given I paid for these beans, it adds a different light *cough*  to wanting 'em to sprout!


For what's its worth, in previous years, many moons ago, I had just soaked the bag seeds overnight, planted them directly into regular Searles potting Mix, small seedling pots,  hid em down the side of the QLD house in the shade and a couple of days of watering later, without a monetary care in the world, it always just worked, 8 times out of ten. 


Add 35Euro plus P&P ( no problems with this UK purchase incidentally, took 2 weeks from ordering to receiving, for anyone interested in current news, with zero stealth Extras, ), with nothing at all happening  and all of a sudden I'm starting to feel hopeless.


Sorry for the long-windedness of this post. still reading? good on ya, appreciate your time, sir!


I know the sun will rise tomorrow. But if I cant crack *cough* this case, how the hell am I going to go with my single "cost me a bomb Stawberry and Banana" bean that the missus believes, because I told her,  will be the tastiest, most amazing smoke she's ever had  and my whole justification to her for spending the $$$ as I have..


I'm DEAD !!



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You should be right, no need to resoak. Sounds like one is already germing and the other shouldn't be far behind. Duds happen so don't stress if you get one now and then that doesn't germ.


I don't presoak when using paper towel but each to their own.


Welcome to OS, looking forward to following the grow along.

Edited by Naycha
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Thanks midlife. That piece of information you shared really is invaluable to me. Thanks for taking the time. :)


Presumably you are using cardboard to take the edge of the heat?


Did you pre soak first in this instance? ( Ive read your comments previously and know you traditionally soak then paper towel/ glad bag...) 

Edited by bomber
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Welcome mate. Last couple of times, no soaking, just paper towels misted with water and into a takeaway container with the lid on. Yep, cardboard to not get them too hot.

Thanks midlife. That piece of information you shared really is invaluable to me. Thanks for taking the time. :)


Presumably you are using cardboard to take the edge of the heat?


Did you pre soak first in this instance? ( Ive read your comments previously and know you traditionally soak then paper towel/ glad bag...)

Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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It's just an extra step of handling the beans. I like to see them germ before I put into rockwool. Seems a waste of rockwool of they don't plus can at least put the tail down the right way once they've sprouted.



Weren't you previously soaking?


What made you stop...and have you seen an improvement in germing?

Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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