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The last 4 days I've had a lot of the leave yellowing off, more than I've had at this point before.

The plant is a Cherry Kush

Watering is about every 2-3days, growing in good quality soil

All I have used this time is Charlie Carp and Powerfeed, I alternate between the 2 each week and only use 1/3 of the recommend amounts

Only 5 weeks into flowering, i know there will be some starting to yellow off at this stage as they sort of cannabilise themselves but I've never had this many so fast, so I'm guessing there something wrong.

I've never grown this strain before so I'm a little confused.


I have learnt so much from the guys and girls on here so I thought I would ask post-65397-158467059965_thumb.jpeg


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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