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I realised yesterday that even though it's on SBS news every day I don't think I've heard whether it's an annual vax like the flu or whether it's like the measles or other vaxes where one jab lasts a lifetime.


Anyone heard anything? 


I had the normal flu shots about February,,the nurse said it can wear off I after a few months ....so I don’t put much faith in any carona vaccines.


had a flu shot last year as well .

no Anoma..they aren’t permanent like measles etc.

Edited by Serrated edge
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Full on Fuckheads at the WHO

I think they mean that herd immunity is an old concept related to the spread of a disease through a group when enough of the group. When enough are immune (regardless of how) they reduce the spread of the disease enough to protect those not immune.

More recently it has been used as a term to describe letting a disease run its course and those who survive will largely have some immunity and then offer that same protection to those who do not.


It is right but could have been worded better.

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Hello Louise,

I do remember the Monash Uni trials. These tests coincided with the lockdowns we experienced here in Australia as part of the “first wave” of the pandemic. The country was in a frightened state stockpiling toilet paper. lol. All joking aside it was extremely worrying back then. Anxiety levels going through the roof for many.


The above video interestingly includes some stats of ivermectin and front line medical staff. 

The Monash interest spiked my interest........which led me to the following link......among others. The ‘Introduction” paragraph along with the “New Horizons paragraph” of the attached link I found eye opening. Considering it was being touted as a sheep drench by many news outlets at thE time.



I wouldnt know the dosing rates of ivermectin. Where did you get the weekly dose requirements from and what  are the nasty side affects? 


What makes me think big pharma is trying to bury it?......... The money. 

Im conspiratorial at the best of times. No hard evidence here. 

Ivermectin is available over the counter. At least here in Australia, I would guess many other countries around the world also. It’s super cheap, manufactured by many and can be administered by our  local illiterate farmer. lol lol.


Where’s  the fun in that for Pfizer?



John Hopkins dashboard link: click on the countries on tHe left to get individual country stats.




India’s population is 1.4billion. Check out there daily infections as of today. How is this possible? Open sewers, mass poverty, mega cites living on top of each otHer while the UK , US  etc dailies soar?

The graph on the bottom right of the screenshot coincides with the Monash trials. Or there abouts. 



Yes.....it’s a leap to get to my unfounded statement. To be taken with a grain of salt for sure. :) I should have phrased that a little differently I guess.

It doesn’t add up that this particular thIrd world country is fairing better than many “first worlders”. 

Anyways. Good luck to them, however they are doing it.



The trial in Colombia is using the standard adult dose once a week. Geez, I had one dose of it when I was working in a nursing home that had a scabies outbreak... nausea, dizziness, diarrhoea for nearly a week. 


Regarding India, look up "The Dharavi Model". There are a few articles that outline what was done in Mumbai's biggest slum to overcome the covid outbreak. The biggest difference between India and the USA is the compliance of the population and community cohesion.


I had the normal flu shots about February,,the nurse said it can wear off I after a few months ....so I don’t put much faith in any carona vaccines.


had a flu shot last year as well .

no Anoma..they aren’t permanent like measles etc.


I'm first in line for flu vax each year (April) and yeah it's only good for 3-5 months, so I normally have a spring booster in September. With the low rates of flu last winter, my gp didn't try and jab me a second time. The antibody response to fluvax is shortlived and the virus mutates quickly so yeah, every year it's a newly tweaked vaccine for the newly mutated strain. So far, the scientists say, SARs cov2 has remained relatively stable and the mutations that have occurred, haven't significantly changed the virus to the point that new vaccines need to be developed.


Granted, we wont know if immunity lasts until we are a year, 2 years and ten years down the track. Time is the only thing that will give us that data.

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The trial in Colombia is using the standard adult dose once a week. Geez, I had one dose of it when I was working in a nursing home that had a scabies outbreak... nausea, dizziness, diarrhoea for nearly a week. 


Regarding India, look up "The Dharavi Model". There are a few articles that outline what was done in Mumbai's biggest slum to overcome the covid outbreak. The biggest difference between India and the USA is the compliance of the population and community cohesion.



I'm first in line for flu vax each year (April) and yeah it's only good for 3-5 months, so I normally have a spring booster in September. With the low rates of flu last winter, my gp didn't try and jab me a second time. The antibody response to fluvax is shortlived and the virus mutates quickly so yeah, every year it's a newly tweaked vaccine for the newly mutated strain. So far, the scientists say, SARs cov2 has remained relatively stable and the mutations that have occurred, haven't significantly changed the virus to the point that new vaccines need to be developed.


Granted, we wont know if immunity lasts until we are a year, 2 years and ten years down the track. Time is the only thing that will give us that data.

This is why you shouldn't take healthcare advice from amateurs

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Sigh... time to pull out the sewing machine and make more masks.

Good luck with it, take sensible precautions and stay healthy !


It seems like Ivermectin is the new Hydroxychloroquine   which was the new injected disinfectant and so on.

Be careful where you get your healthcare advice during a pandemic.


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