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Stumbling around the ‘mectin’ family. Found this. Who knows. 

The video is worth a look. First few minutes at least.



Pills containing ivermectin (anthelmintics) are used in mass deworming campaigns of school-aged children in many developing countries.

Not suggesting people take this for covid here. Just throwing it out there.

Not surprising that big pharma is trying to bury it if this article is to be believed.

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Stumbling around the ‘mectin’ family. Found this. Who knows. 

The video is worth a look. First few minutes at least.



Pills containing ivermectin (anthelmintics) are used in mass deworming campaigns of school-aged children in many developing countries.

Not suggesting people take this for covid here. Just throwing it out there.


Not surprising that big pharma is trying to bury it if this article is to be believed.



Monash did invitro trials back in April and it is being used as an off label treatment (like many other drugs), but this is the first I have heard of it being used as prophylaxis... and a quick google suggests there is at least one ongoing human trial in Colombia. Granted, I wouldn't want to take invermectin every week, that shit has some nasty side effects. 


What makes you think 'big pharma' are trying to bury it?

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Hello Louise,

I do remember the Monash Uni trials. These tests coincided with the lockdowns we experienced here in Australia as part of the “first wave” of the pandemic. The country was in a frightened state stockpiling toilet paper. lol. All joking aside it was extremely worrying back then. Anxiety levels going through the roof for many.


The above video interestingly includes some stats of ivermectin and front line medical staff. 
The Monash interest spiked my interest........which led me to the following link......among others. The ‘Introduction” paragraph along with the “New Horizons paragraph” of the attached link I found eye opening. Considering it was being touted as a sheep drench by many news outlets at thE time.



I wouldnt know the dosing rates of ivermectin. Where did you get the weekly dose requirements from and what  are the nasty side affects? 

What makes me think big pharma is trying to bury it?......... The money. 

Im conspiratorial at the best of times. No hard evidence here. 
Ivermectin is available over the counter. At least here in Australia, I would guess many other countries around the world also. It’s super cheap, manufactured by many and can be administered by our  local illiterate farmer. lol lol.


Where’s  the fun in that for Pfizer?



John Hopkins dashboard link: click on the countries on tHe left to get individual country stats.



India’s population is 1.4billion. Check out there daily infections as of today. How is this possible? Open sewers, mass poverty, mega cites living on top of each otHer while the UK , US  etc dailies soar?

The graph on the bottom right of the screenshot coincides with the Monash trials. Or there abouts. 


Yes.....it’s a leap to get to my unfounded statement. To be taken with a grain of salt for sure. :) I should have phrased that a little differently I guess.

It doesn’t add up that this particular thIrd world country is fairing better than many “first worlders”. 

Anyways. Good luck to them, however they are doing it.








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.....India’s population is 1.4billion. Check out there daily infections as of today. How is this possible? Open sewers, mass poverty, mega cites living on top of each otHer while the UK , US  etc dailies soar?...



I think we'll find it's a bit like the Russian figures that fell down behind the lounge one night- 'Ohh look what we found,....'

Coronavirus death toll triples in Russia after government admits to downplaying COVID-19 outbreak - ABC News


Then we have countries downplaying the spread so as not to instil fear in the population ie 'Nahhh, it's not THAT bad...'

US election briefing for Australia: Trump downplays Covid as cases soar | Australia news | The Guardian


With India, even if you remove the facts of poverty open sewers etc, the numbers just don't add up. I think it's more likely it's affecting the aged and their deaths are written up as 'Died of Old Age' rather than covid.



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I don't want to get into a debate about this but I agree merl1n. I've been checking the Johns Hopkins website every morning for nearly a year now and about 4 months ago when both India and USA were approaching 10 million, I watched India start to catch up to the USA, they were about 600,000 off cathcing them and getting closer every day. Then the US started exploding in numbers around that time however we all know what India is like when it comes to the caste system and poverty and cleanliness. Today, they aren't even at 10 million, the curve dropped considerably. Faster than anyother country from what I've seen.


So my question from then and to this day is "Did India somehow get it under control very quickly, or are they misrepresenting their numbers?".

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It might be filthy over there but living amongst that crap probably helps build they’re immune system..

kinda like ..let the kids play with and be exposed to dirt rather than being kept inside a more sterile environment.


indians eat a lot of immune- heathy spices ect ...Nth Americans eat a lot of processed shit.


Maybe India only count the cases that died BECAUSE of carona ,not the cases that died WITH carona....?

it would be good if we were better informed ,rather than having to speculate,,,

Anyway I won’t be heading off for a vaccine too soon.

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I’m with you S.E. re vaccination.

On a side note, i doubt many of us will be able to get it ( in the short term ) even if we wanted it. The rollout will more than likely drag on.......meaning more time to  observe any negative affects that these new vaccines may or may not have.


News in Bangladesh.




Seems to be gaining momentum in ‘like” countries.

I read somewhere it averages $2 a dose. lol
3 x doses I think. So immune for $6.


Surely not. lol.



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Ivermectin I wouldn’t be worried about taking .

but the new vaccines ,,,,no thanks.



I’m with you S.E. re vaccination.

On a side note, i doubt many of us will be able to get it ( in the short term ) even if we wanted it. The rollout will more than likely drag on.......meaning more time to  observe any negative affects that these new vaccines may or may not have.


News in Bangladesh.




Seems to be gaining momentum in ‘like” countries.

I read somewhere it averages $2 a dose. lol
3 x doses I think. So immune for $6.


Surely not. lol.

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