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<banter>Anyone that thinks silence is deafening probably has issues that need to be addressed.


song is mostly about suicide due to lock downs, not to say the artist is golng along with the "official story" of covid, just expressing herself in relation to what going on with people she knows and other accounts she knows of  

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song is mostly about suicide due to lock downs, not to say the artist is golng along with the "official story" of covid, just expressing herself in relation to what going on with people she knows and other accounts she knows of  

oh shit, my mistake. I've not heard that song before nor in full. Kinda feel like a tunc now

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Another thing people don't understand about the other side, the not-so-liberal Liberal Party is they dont stand for any such thing as personal liberties and the 'middle class' even the 'quiet Australians' they frequently chuck under the bus.

Just a few examples:

- Meta-data scraping under the guise of battling terrorism

- There was a controversial bill pushed through parliament during the last week of sitting before the last election

- Our local Mussolini, aka P. DUTTON who has the powers to hold suspects under the age of 16 and younger without a parent present, but worse that gives them the power to deny any lawyer request on heresay grounds that such lawyer or lawyers would not keep details of investigation secret.

(P.S this is the MP that was previously a cop, who would pick up young indigenous kids, children, drive them a good few hours into the bush, take their shoes all while slandering them, racist remarks and forcing them to walk back to town) Peter 'Musolini' Dutton was labeled a racist fairly quickly at certain stations he was posted too and other members would leave cans of.dog food on his desk

- And finally, forced uptake of a newly developed vaccine that hasnt gone through appropriate trials to be pushed on to the populace of Australia, essentially making our population the final guinneapig trial for the vaccine, testing it on millions of Australians (I am not an antivaxxer, I am acutely aware due to some members of my family that lived through the horrible diptheria outbreak, polio outbreaks and measles outbreak and have met a person who still is in an iron lung) these modern vaccines have been thoroughly tested and often been in circulation for years so any side affects are all known and can easily be dealt with.


On the note of Socialism, I've taken an interest in KAP (Katter Australia Party) he may be a bit down the far end of socialism but some speeches Ive seen in parliament make sense, he advocates a lot about what happened when the free market was applied to wool and other commodities, which fell through the floor, including dairy not long after. Comrade Katter, although often labeled a nutter does put forward some valid arguments from time to time. But in the worlds of Churchill, Full blown socialism is a slippery slope to communism and i feel if katter had his way he could very well drag us down towards the far end


PS: When I heard Adam Bandts idea for a publicly owned bank, where all citizens could be shareholders, I thought that could be a fantastic idea, after all banks want to make money, and if individual Australians were to be shareholders that means this bank would responsible to the Australian citizens. Its a ground breaking idea, poasibly laughed out of the Press Club. But i thought the theory was grand

The reason I said that the Labor party was right wing is that they sold of Public assets during the Hawke/Keating era, adopting neoliberalist ideals. Commonwealth Bank, Quantas e.t.c used to be public assets. Funny to read you knocking Socialism and then saying what a good idea a public owned bank would be. The only thing remotely socialist the Labor Party has done since Whitlam is Medicare as far as I can see, apart from the stimulus package during the GFC. It has been hilarious watching the Libs do the same with Covid after all the rabid comments directed at Labor years ago.


As for the Mussolini reference; well for starters he was an ultra right wing Fascist. If you are going to agree with Pedro, at least call him Stalin,or something more left wing appropriate. As I've said before the lockdown measures are simply a response to a health crisis. It's ridiculous equating that with personal freedoms. And what forced uptake of a vaccine are you talking about? We don't even have one yet and even Morrison has said, no one will be forced to take it. TBH if there were a vaccine I'd be happy if just the vulnerable and sensible took it. The rest of you selfish shits can get Corona for all I care.


Katter has the odd socialist policies mainly around public assets, however he is all over the place policy wise. Katter was once a member of the National Party, which is further to the right than the Libs. He is very anti Chinese for example. He can hardly be called a Socialist. I agree that he has some good ideas, 


Socialism is about equality; having Public assets that are there for the people, not the profits of a few. It also respects individuality and freedoms. It's not a slippery slope to Communism. I can't think of one country that has gone from Socialist to Communist.

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The reason I said that the Labor party was right wing is that they sold of Public assets during the Hawke/Keating era, adopting neoliberalist ideals. Commonwealth Bank, Quantas e.t.c used to be public assets. Funny to read you knocking Socialism and then saying what a good idea a public owned bank would be. The only thing remotely socialist the Labor Party has done since Whitlam is Medicare as far as I can see, apart from the stimulus package during the GFC. It has been hilarious watching the Libs do the same with Covid after all the rabid comments directed at Labor years ago.


As for the Mussolini reference; well for starters he was an ultra right wing Fascist. If you are going to agree with Pedro, at least call him Stalin,or something more left wing appropriate. As I've said before the lockdown measures are simply a response to a health crisis. It's ridiculous equating that with personal freedoms. And what forced uptake of a vaccine are you talking about? We don't even have one yet and even Morrison has said, no one will be forced to take it. TBH if there were a vaccine I'd be happy if just the vulnerable and sensible took it. The rest of you selfish shits can get Corona for all I care.


Katter has the odd socialist policies mainly around public assets, however he is all over the place policy wise. Katter was once a member of the National Party, which is further to the right than the Libs. He is very anti Chinese for example. He can hardly be called a Socialist. I agree that he has some good ideas, 


Socialism is about equality; having Public assets that are there for the people, not the profits of a few. It also respects individuality and freedoms. It's not a slippery slope to Communism. I can't think of one country that has gone from Socialist to Communist.

The Mussolini reference was due to a bit of a resemblance to Musolini himself and I've seen it picked up by MSM.

I don't believe I knocked socialism, I'm just aware that socialism can be a slippery slope to communism, but in this day and age I believe that slope is more of a bitumen road with a 1% incline


And yeah I have known the Labor party to sell off assets, but I believe Coalition governments really rip through and sell off ridiculous amounts of public assets, there are certain public assets that I believe can be sold off but I feel that there are lots of public assets that should remain owned by the commonwealth (1 reason for the security of our nation)


I agree with the stimulus packages, literally the entire basis of the coalition fiscal policy arguments where "labor is addicted to debt" blah blah blah and now the Coalition/Liberals have handed out astounding stimulus, albeit the largest amounts of funding for the JobKeeper program went to incredibly large corporations that still paid out astounding amounts of bonuses to their board while raking in millions upon millions of JobKeeper, which to be frank is disgusting but is something I feel is typical of a coalition government to not do any oversight or include any clause that if a corporations taking JobKeeper need to make changes at the top, not paying divid ends (depending on their operations) and especially not paying out incredible bonus's, I even feel that if a company is claiming JobKeeper, they should implement certain austerity measures.

Worse again is that Frydenberg thinks that sole traders are going to rip and rort the JobKeeper program, all the sole traders in Australia combined that could claim JobKeeper would not even be a blip compared to the big corporations that still pay bonus'

Labor racked up something like 20-30 billion dollars in debt (don't quote me on that, its a number off the top of my head) during the Coalition/Lib-Nat government we are now $1,000,000,000,000 or 1 Trillion in debt.

Frydenberg is trying to encourage families to have children so they can take on the debt burden. Worst of all, if the coalition sticks around, they don't care about the debt. The Liberals claim the interest is so low they don't even need to pay it off, and if they come back again in the future I believe all they will do is pay the interest on these incurred debts, I believe these debts from this year or even all the debts incurred by the Morrison Government will still be here in 2100

Edited by benn0
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ohh yeah the US & China are gonna go to WAR, not cause some Dickwad decided eating Bat Toe Nails was a good idea at the time.


The War is all about world domination, and China have tip the balance of World Power and the Yanks don't like it unless you are Jewish of Course.


Our Dumb fuck Pollies have sided with the Loser Team. The Chinese are gonna eat the Fuckers for Breakfast, and the only real Mates the US will have when this shit goes down is Israel.

Good luck with that I say.

We have to wait for the Global Banking FIAT Ponzi Financals to come crashing down first, after that it's gonna be on for young and old.

This time we have 4 times more Debt Globally than the last time it happenned in 2008..That was just a Picnic compared to the Shit going down this time.


The Fed in the US has literally been propping up the Repo Bank lending for Months now, to the tune of well over 200 Billion per night, Fuck me thats scary Numbers.

Won't be long now, end of the Year. I reckon if not sooner.


You want to be out of the Stock & Property Market right now and move to Gold & Silver. If my Kids were 18, My House would already be sold right now, and converted to Solid Gold Bars.

I have a self Manged Super fund and the Whole lot except for operating Cash is in Gold & Silver. I got burnt bad back in 2008, not fucking happenning again.


I bought all my Gold and Silver over 6 Months ago when Gold was 1850 AUD..It now 2350 and thats with a Bull Stock Market, watch the Shit go nuts when the Banking Sector fails again!


Money it not what you think it is....Its not really Money at all. It's FIAT currency. School teachers don't even know what that is. Don't get me started on the fucked up Education system.

We fall behind Countries like Latvia for fuck sake. True Story. Gold hasn't really gone up much in Price, our fucked up FIAT Currency call Australian Dollars has fallen in Value.


Just before I quit my 200K Job in Aviation, I let the Kunts have it on the exit!


I say we have already had a 30% pay cut in over the last 3 years...They say no you actually got 2% increase over that 3 years.

I then proceed to explain to them they have no FUCKING CLUE WHATSOEVER of what Money is.....Was only around 6 years ago the AUD was worth 1.15 USD...Now it around 0.68.


Everything is priced in the dominate FIAT Currency ( USD) at least for now.



ohh we have such low Inflation...I just wanna punch the next Kunt in the head that says that next. we have way too much inflation. You just have to look at the Stock & Property Market.

Theres your fucking Inflation and it's out of fucking control'.


Everything is getting smaller and the Price stays the same, do they think everyone is stupid ,,maybe..This is how they get away with the BS.

See last night on CA it costs around $1500 for a year for Grocery's, but hey there's no Inflation right.


Did you know Scomo and his Mates got legislation passed in FEB last year...It's called "Bail In"'

These wankers know its going to happen..It was passed by 7 Senate Members on the quiet...It a true story look it up.


World Wide via the IMF push they are preparing to Bail with Banking sector out with your DEPOSITS instead of Tax Payers Money


The other thing these Kunts are doing is trying to Ban Cash. They have or are about to pass a Bill that makes its Illegal to make a cash Transaction above 10,000 AUD.

They say it to combat the Black Economy, It''s really just to prepare you dumb fucks for Negative Interest Rates.

Guess what happens to your Deposits when the Interest Rates go negative. Guess what people do they avoid the Bank and hold Cash.

It caused Big Problems in Cypress a while back, So the clever World Elite Crims, have decided to fix that by banning large Cash transactions

and they will run a 2 tier system one for Cash & one for Electronic Cash and the Rates will be different to encourage you to use the Electronic Version.


See simple they have figured it all out. They are so fucking clever aren't they.

A lot of this will probably come as a surprise to you all.


Be informed People, Dark Clouds are forming rapidly

Afuckingmen to this!



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Yeh im a bit pissed at this idea of going to a "cashless" society or their beginner step of banning cash transactions above 10,000. Idk how many times Ive tagged along with mates to buy cars and theres more than 10 grand swapping hands, let alone in rural and remote Australia that has to rely on cash because most of the time there isnt any telecoms for atms and cash cards. I remember a remote NT community was brought to its knees because of an NBN outage and a large percentage of residents were reliant on the cashless debit card, no one could buy anything and the Co-Op had to travel to the nearest major centre, 2 or 3 hours away to buy $1000 of meat daily and cook it for everyone.

Also annoyed at the fact that we will be heading into negative interest rates when the RBA has been screaming at the coalition to help stimulate the economy a bit the last 5 years by some big projects, we would have a bigger buffer than we have now with said "fiscal responsibility of the surplus" but we are balls to the wall.

Inflation is about to wipe out a lot of peoples liquud savings and soon the coalition will have to deal with grumpy boomers and "quiet australians" whose retirement has shrunk 30-60%

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Yeh im a bit pissed at this idea of going to a "cashless" society or their beginner step of banning cash transactions above 10,000. 

Yep, it's one of many steps implemented by our masters to further subjugate society. 

Cash is king. Not only is it convenient and semi anonymous, it also feels fucking wonderful strutting around with a handful of cash....

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i guess if we learnt real history in school starting from the 1917 'revolution' we would be on top of it all and understand the way the world is going, but no school just dumbs us down enough to run the machines for our masters, while not smart enough to question the system.

biggest war we are seeing currently is online censorship, if that is they best way to learn true history then it sure is enemy number one.

think about it though, why is a cashless society the future, ( other than dropping illicit transactions) if you get out of line your account is frozen thus you have absolutely no other means to survive. 

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