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Doctors for truth eh. A Covid 19 denialist group telling more porkys.  :sick

Where do you find this stuff?

Twitter buy the looks of the link


All of these people who say "Coronoa is just the flu, get over it" don't understand how virus mutations work.


We've been studying the flu for a long time, we haven't with Corona, we don't know what it can potentially evolve in to. 

maybe it will evolve into a socialist nightmare for the people, if it hasn't already

or maybe it might evolve into a cold, the common cold is a corona virus is it not ?? 


"...with Corona, we don't know..." Very true.

Ohhh, but Pedro does. Pedro knows everything.

Just ask him... ...he'll tell ya  :doh: 

lol do I, reckon If I did "know everything" I wouldn't be wasting me time talking to you DC's 

stay safe people the big bad corona might make you slightly sick, or dead if your already on deaths door 



Wasn't it great to see Trump recover in no time at all, from the worlds most deadly virus EVER lol lol

not many healthy people young or old seem to be dying hey DC's


No doubt none of you lot have to work for a living, and would be all on the Government hand outs, either public servants or ?? some form of disability payment 

Don't forget to take a right turn every once in a while, or you will just go round and round in circles believing anything the elite lefty's tell ya 



How's that global warming coming along ??  

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Wake up the narrative is b.s.. narrators clutching for straws in Aussie, state lock downs for a HANDFULL of sick people ? Figures that are straight out LIES.

If I had to guess it looks like a purposeful attempt at economic collapse.anyone?✌

The reason we only have a handful of sick people is because of the measures out governments have taken. Too funny; if the figures are lies, how come you are using those same figure to argue against lock downs? If the government was lying about it, don't you think they would inflate those figures. 

Seriously, do some of you people actually think about the argument you are making?

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Seriously, do some of you people actually think about the argument you are making?


There are "ALOT" of people who don't buy into the socialist agenda and would rather the onus be solely on the individual rather than the majority. 

The argument is a valid one.

You are clearly in the camp which advocates dictated mass restrictions, regardless of the cost to livelihoods, freedoms and $$$ which is fine, but don't discount the merits of the opposing sides argument.


Australians sold their freedom long ago, along with the ability to think for themselves. It seems if something's hard, then fuck it, Governments fault and responsibility to fix.

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One new case and no deaths overnight in Vic yet government still keen to cripple the populace.✌


That's one way to view it 


You can look at the U.S. scenario where the individual states that opened up FULLY have had a MASSIVE explosion in cases and deaths. Presently, the U.S. is showing 8million infections with over 220,000 deaths.

Which would you rather a crippled populace that can recover or a dead populace that won't ever recover?

Not much of a choice really.



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There are "ALOT" of people who don't buy into the socialist agenda and would rather the onus be solely on the individual rather than the majority. 



"...The onus be solely on the individual..."????? Well, that worked well before. NOT. The Victorian people were given the opportunity to do right but People broke curfew, breached the regulations and generally fucked it up for EVERYBODY.

So the Victorian public cocked it up, but as per normal the Victorian public want to blame somebody else. 

IF they had followed the rules set out. IF they'd done it right then none of this would be happening. So this ain't on Dan. This is on EVERY VICTORIAN.

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There are "ALOT" of people who don't buy into the socialist agenda and would rather the onus be solely on the individual rather than the majority. 

The argument is a valid one.

You are clearly in the camp which advocates dictated mass restrictions, regardless of the cost to livelihoods, freedoms and $$$ which is fine, but don't discount the merits of the opposing sides argument.


Australians sold their freedom long ago, along with the ability to think for themselves. It seems if something's hard, then fuck it, Governments fault and responsibility to fix.

My post was in reply to oldfark who said both that the low rate of Covid meant we should halt lock down, and also that the figures were a lie. A complete contradiction. He is using those lying figures to make his argument. Go figure.. :doh:


I am an advocate for the lock down, but purely in relation to Covid. A response to a health crisis. Yes I think we should take measures to protect our general health, and the vulnerable. That's what it means to be a society. 


What socialist agenda are you talking about? I am nearly 60 and this country is the furthest from socialism in my lifetime. We have a coalition govt headed by an evangelical Christian. Most of our public assets have been sold off in the last 40 years and privatised. Union membership is at an all time low. Even the Labor party is right wing. Yet I get people telling me we are going Socialist? This is utter bullshit pushed on us by the powerful conservative right wing Murdoch media.

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"...The onus be solely on the individual..."????? Well, that worked well before. NOT. The Victorian people were given the opportunity to do right but People broke curfew, breached the regulations and generally fucked it up for EVERYBODY.

So the Victorian public cocked it up, but as per normal the Victorian public want to blame somebody else. 

IF they had followed the rules set out. IF they'd done it right then none of this would be happening. So this ain't on Dan. This is on EVERY VICTORIAN.

I think you've missed my point mate.

They cocked what up exactly?

They went about their lives as the saw fit which is what i'm advocating for. Most people are informed to some extent or another and know the risks associated with gathering in public. Let them fucking gather! Let them work. Let them carry on with their lives.

If your elderly, have other underlying medical conditions or are in anyway more susceptible to complications resulting from Covid then the onus is on "YOU" to take the appropriate steps to manage it!

I'd rather see the minority inconvenienced for a time (myself included) than a state crippled by over governance!

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