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Bio diesel and oxy plus

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Thanks for the replies everyone appreciate the feedback .

And billy - nice too see ya back , and I have a big 9.9kg of mega crop - have been using it mainly for veg but I’ve decided to do one tent all the way with megacrop and possibly some calmag and that’s it next round and one tent with GT and bio diesel and all the trimmings ... so far I’ve actually been impressed with the MC



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Thanks mate.


Be very interested to see the results of that comparison. :)

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Haha itchy , I haven't used rooting hormone for a long time .... Canna wants to be cloned imo


Also you can't honestly compare the levels of plant hormones in seasol and rooting powder to the stuff that turns buds into rock


I know no one wants to hear it so why don't you do a side by side with and without it to see for yourself .... I'm going to put money one the no pgr being more enjoyable


Cheers :)

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hey brimmer , all good mate 


so your an organic grower i assume & you don't use bottled nutrients , just a good soil & water only 


your cloning method uses water only too yeah , i use aloe & home made seasol to clone myself , when i do clone that is 


i don't use seasol cos , it's easy to make your own kelp tea 


i have no issue with avoiding man made pgr's & i hate the fact there are hydro shop owners ( well there used to be ) selling

band bottles from under the counter to commercial growers 


i don't know bout canna plants wanting to be cloned , they wanna produce seed imo , but they def have the ability to be cloned like many plants do 


i think you might be against using substances to improve a plants ability beyond what it would naturally do , i'm with ya on that 

i'm on record here saying plenty of times , my growing method focuses on plant health & letting the plant function as she would 

in a well functioning healthy environment , healthy environment , well as healthy as you can growing outdoor inner city , even indoor for that matter  

but as humans that's what we do , bigger better faster stronger , Lance Armstrong , prob 100's of Olympians , Tennis players , have wanted or felt

the need to push beyond what is naturally possible , i'm no different , i want the most active alive soil possible to grow in & i'm prepared to increase 

plant health using organic / probiotic methods which will sometimes include naturally occurring pgr's , found in things like the corn seed &

coconut water , lucrne/alfalfa seed , naturally occurring pgr's in seeds ( coconut = big seed ) , these pgr's are present at

seed germination so there def not harmful , they can be used in harmful ways but used wisely can help produce more nutrient dense healthier produce

for the consumer & of cause there health 

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Micmac thanks for the detailed reply and the photos of the bottles - I’ve researched the 016 last night and that shit sounds great , I love the fact it doesn’t kill everything in your system . I’ll def but some next pay .


Got a question - I have some HyGen peroxide 50g/L - to put in a watering can (not in my reservoir ) what ratio would I use to kill fungus gnat larvae ?



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