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are 10L pots big enough?

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I think you should be wary of any chemicals which can kill termites being used on an annual plant you intend to smoke within 3 months. lol


If termites are a problem, I'd suggest moving the growing area, or baiting them away from the site, and then killing them there, rather than treating any pots which have the mj plants in them.


It may not harm the plants, but will it harm you down the track? It's of course up to every grower what they're comfortable with, but I'm one of those who refuses to use systemic or even 1week withholding period insecticides or pesticides. I know what's in it, so I wouldn't smoke it if I treated it with stuff I couldn't drink and live through.


(and no, I don't drink nutrients... :D )

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I think you should be wary of any chemicals which can kill termites being used on an annual plant you intend to smoke within 3 months.




Did you know, Luke, that nearly every fruit and vegetable you eat is covered in chlorpyrifos, amongst many other things. Smoking some would be negligible in comparison to what you eat.




hey spurious have you used chloropyriphos on plants while there growing


Yes, but at a lower strength. The figures I used above were for a precursory barrier when it is known termites are in the area.

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Did you know, Luke, that nearly every fruit and vegetable you eat is covered in chlorpyrifos, amongst many other things. Smoking some would be negligible in comparison to what you eat.


Which is why I grow a substantial proportion of my own vegies, and also only buy vegies from my local organics shop. ;)


And I would also point out again that combustion consumption (there's a tongue twister :D ) of pesticides/pgr's is an entirely unknown field, and we really don't know dick about the effects. Chemical reactions are funny things, and applying heat to a chemical usually results in some changes. I dunno, I just don't wanna smoke or eat anything I don't know is safe and hasn't been treated with crud.:D


This is also one of the main reasons I don't like Superbud, but that's another discussion entirely.. :)


Of course, that's just me, and everyone has to deal with their own situations in the ways they feel most comfortable with. lol

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I fully adhere to the terms you suggest in your post Luke. Awareness, and action upon it, are valuable assetts.......but,



I dunno, I just don't wanna smoke or eat anything I don't know is safe and hasn't been treated with crud



The 'all natural' product without the crud, is probably worse for you in it's consumption concentration, than the mediocre levels of the crud itself.

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