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Medical Access



A couple of months ago I asked my GP about obtaining cannabis to treat my ongoing symptoms.

"Ohh ahhh, I don't know anything about the processes, I wouldn't know where to start..."

Being that I'm in SA and there being no clinic's here (our state Gov't (Liberal) still have their heads buried firmly up their own arses)  I thought the whole process would be a waste of time

I went investigating and found a clinic in NSW, who would go through the whole process online.


So after a couple of weeks of paperwork both from myself and my GP, today I got the call from the clinic and have had the initial approval.

I now have to obtain the approval from the TGA but from what I've been told this should not be a problem and should take less than a week.

The Dr I spoke to has told me that what he would be prescribing is a CBD and THC combination as my situation is pain related.

I asked the Dr about the cost of the medication itself as it is NOT on the PBS and I have to say it is NOT cheap.

The Dr himself would not actually tell me a defined cost but advised me to call the chemist in Victoria.

Upon doing so I was told $270/50ml + postage ($30), so $300 delivered. First thought "Fuck, it'd be cheaper to go buy an ounce" but have decided to follow through with the process.


At this point I have not been told of the recommended dosages, so how long that 50ml is going to last I am unsure.

I am also unsure if I may be able to get my local chemist to get it in for me or whether it needs to come from an approved compounding chemist, solely in Victoria.


So the processes have been started. The dr and the prepaid TGA approvals have cost me $550 so far (that's without the script itself), so let's see how much more it's gonna cost

When I have any further info I will let you all know.


Just thought others maybe interested


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Covid-19 having an impact on medical supply


Received this message yesterday 



Dear Patient, 


Supply of Novachem vapourised medicinal cannabis medications


Novachem, has announced today that due to the Covid-19 virus a 3 week 'lockdown' has been put in place in the Netherlands. 

To ensure local continuity of medication to all patients they have implemented a control program to manage prescriptions.


Novachem have said "Orders will be limited to three (3) weeks supply which will be based on the maximum approved amount or four (4) containers per patient, whichever is the less"


We suggest that you contact your pharmacy or Novachem directly on 1800 668 224 to ensure you have access to your medication. 


If you are concerned about continuity of your medication, require a prescription or need a review consultation with your treating CA Clinics doctor please call us on 1300 991 477 to arrange an appointment. 


These medications include:

  • Bedrocan
  • Bedrobinol
  • Bediol
  • Bedica
  • Bedrolite

Kind regards  


Was talking to a friend the other day, after giving his father in law oil(illegal) and seeing improvement in his markers, the Dr gave him a script.


Which gives him 'authorisation'


Unlawful - Without 'authorisation', 'justification' or 'excuse'


He doesn't have a cent to his name. I said we should put in an application to the Attorney General Qld Health to start growing.




Just because medical cannabis is being screwed by government fuckery doesn't mean it's not worth setting things straight.  It's absolutely worth it.


I've been to legalisation marches in Brisbane, nobody shows up, so anyone criticising the way things are, aren't helping by throwing shit from the sidelines... ya know? We all know it's fucked.


Like everyone gets the point you can grow your own illegally.


Not everyone wants to do that. Not everyone can do that.

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I completely agree Bufo, this is part of my reasoning for going through this whole process.

If the govt want statistics, I'll be a stat. They want a guinea pig, fine, I'll be their guinea pig. Here's the result::::It works!!! Now, make it available via PBS to EVERYONE.


It's all govt fuckery. So let's play the govt game, get them the statistical evidence they want, reduce the avenue for their bullshit excuses and hope they act.

Initially, they came out with 'Ohh, there's no call for it to be made medically available" that has been shown to be bullshit

Then came "....we have no evidence of there being a medical benefit..." this has now been shown to be false too.

This has all been proven by scientists before, all over the world, but to slow the whole process down the govt wants Australian evidence. So we've been made to 'reinvent the wheel' again and play the govt fuckery game.

But there is no way in hell we're going to get anything like legal access without playing their game 'cos they make the rules of the damn game. We can all bitch and moan, yell and scream, petition and protest but if we don't play their game it simply ain't gonna happen.



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Right on :friends:

Bufo count me in.

I may not be able to do marches but heck I'll help you get signatures once my court case is over happily.

Heck take hubby's story around Stafford, very few would not sign to support a ex serviceman.

We need to hit the suburbs where the politicians and lawyers live with stories that they can relate to.


Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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Well, if you think about it.


Anyone with a script should be able to put it in writing to the relevant government department and ask for permission to grow.


At the very least it's then ammo  :gattling:  for the eventual raid but more so for the eventual court case which needs to be taken on


and won with the defense of necessity that is allowed under The Criminal Code.


No need to march like lepers or sell lamingtons, magistrates are willing to listen but they need to see evidence in front of them.


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