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Light dude is excited!

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I don't think there are any real Led HATERS here.


Most of the controversy has been over outrages claims by some led growers before they'd even finished their first crop.


Claims that only mimic what the manufacturer says.and we all know the manufacturers like to juice it up.


Just coz some dude on YouTube claims good yields HID growers are now supposed to be living in the past.???


I'd love to see a Led that gives better yield and uses less power ,,,if and when that happens I'll definitely


jump onboard and buy a Led ,,,,as long as it's not a ridiculous price.


Sure ,,,they are better than burples,,,,but to me,it doesn't mean they are better than HID.


Just means the tech is improving.

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I don't think there are any real Led HATERS here.


Most of the controversy has been over outrages claims by some led growers before they'd even finished their first crop.


Claims that only mimic what the manufacturer says.and we all know the manufacturers like to juice it up.


Just coz some dude on YouTube claims good yields HID growers are now supposed to be living in the past.???


I'd love to see a Led that gives better yield and uses less power ,,,if and when that happens I'll definitely


jump onboard and buy a Led ,,,,as long as it's not a ridiculous price.


Sure ,,,they are better than burples,,,,but to me,it doesn't mean they are better than HID.


Just means the tech is improving.


absolutely, blurples were a stepping stone to where we are today with LED, and it seemed that's all we had just yesterday. That's why I say this technology is overwhelmingly fast and for some that can be a turn off. Some people like that comfort of stale technology, with that old time cliche "If it aint broke, don't fix it", and to a degree I fall on that side of the fence with somethings, like trucks, cars and bikes to be quite specific. Give me an ole 2 stroke diesel in an old Kenworth and I will tell you that there is no other truck but that one.


I personally don't feel there is one light that reigns over another of equal specs, as long as you can provide the appropriate spectrum range and control the surrounding environment.


I only got into LED lighting when I switched from MH on my reef aquarium and bought this U-bute LED (pre-manufactured, not DIY) for my coral growth. I liked that they put out very little heat, that I got more ceiling height from the low profile of the LED fixtures, and didn't have to worry about globe changes

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Haven't tried LED, and like SE, I doubt I'll be jumping onboard anytime soon. I'm happy to wait until the bulk of the R&D is done and the price comes down acceptable levels. There's been no shortage of tossers that buy up big to prove a point, only to see their grow diaries go uncompleted because either they haven't a clue what they were doing, or didn't get their ego stroked to their liking here at OSA. Seen many come and go over the years, and expect that trend to continue. :D


So if that makes me a LED hater, so be it. Just don't feel offended when you realise i couldn't give a rat's arse..

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Like most modern stuff, LED's are cheap to make, and not designed to last for long once the warranty runs out


its got me fucked why anyone would pay the price they ask for them, when there is proven shit you can buy for a 1/4 of the price, that works BETTER 

but as the "old" saying goes "a fool and his money are easily parted"  

Edited by pedro de pacas
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