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The only real downside to turning a plant and self pollenating imo is the seed stock will vary wildly from immature seed to nice mature seed as it will be continually self pollenating over the life of the plant.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Well that's not exactly true,once u have enough pollen u remove that branch,of this is going to be seeds on the mother plant,but they will all be ready pretty much the same time

If there was continual pollination, then yes some seeds will be not be ready when u pull

Pollination if done correctly can be limited to a small area of the host plant ,all done at the same time,a small paint brush is good for application,so all seeds should be ready if u wait



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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True, but the guys were more talking about letting the plant do its own thing rather than collect and apply, if you were doing that with photos you would simply take a bunch of cuttings, turn several and apply at best time.


Autos a bit more difficult as they are not very well suited to cuttings and they flower by themself so timing becomes an issue.


I guess if you let the plant pollenate itself and then remove the male parts then you can close off further pollenation and get more uniform seed


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Well then I suppose it comes down to timing

Put 1 in,CS it,wait till u see sacs,

Then plant your others,by the tile the pollen is ready the others should start to show sex,pollinate your heart out when they do

21 days ain't gonna make a lot of difference overall n you'll be sure all seeds r mature

A little planning,when doing outdoors the pollen was collected ,then used next season, not try to get seeds from that grow,would of had pollen from past yr or the yr b4,kept right it will last some time


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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If anything you want to have the seed mothers established and forming buds before your male or turned plant is dropping pollen


Males mature much faster than females and start dropping as fast as 1 week from sex, sure they will produce a lot over time but as mentioned a "window" is open for maybe 2-6 weeks for both males and females.


You really don't want pollen hanging around and should wet down around your breeding area regularly to avoid fucking up your own grows, future grows, your mates grows or the poor bastard down the street lol!


So actually starting the intended males approx 2 weeks later than the seed mothers is a better stratergy although same time is also fine.


As I was saying, autos no real option but to turn half the plant and let it fuck itself unless you want to run 2 weeks or so apart etc


What people really need to look at before deciding on a method is what the end result they want to achieve, do they want to simply produce seed? Preserve a plants genetics, breed/cross a plant for certain traits etc


Then the pros and cons of different approaches can be navigated.


Don't underestimate residual pollen, it can ruin entire grows so it's important to have a plan


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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If anything you want to have the seed mothers established and forming buds before your male or turned plant is dropping pollen


Males mature much faster than females and start dropping as fast as 1 week from sex, sure they will produce a lot over time but as mentioned a "window" is open for maybe 2-6 weeks for both males and females.


You really don't want pollen hanging around and should wet down around your breeding area regularly to avoid fucking up your own grows, future grows, your mates grows or the poor bastard down the street lol!


So actually starting the intended males approx 2 weeks later than the seed mothers is a better stratergy although same time is also fine.


As I was saying, autos no real option but to turn half the plant and let it fuck itself unless you want to run 2 weeks or so apart etc


What people really need to look at before deciding on a method is what the end result they want to achieve, do they want to simply produce seed? Preserve a plants genetics, breed/cross a plant for certain traits etc


Then the pros and cons of different approaches can be navigated.


Don't underestimate residual pollen, it can ruin entire grows so it's important to have a plan


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Hearing you.

My case is such,

I have only one seed left of an auto lot.

It's growing and so far ok.

I have no other same strain auto to breed it with.

So since this is my last plant of this particular strain, was going to try get it to seed with CS by part spray n hopefully self pollenate.

So I can try this


I could try just not harvest and hope for rodelization.

Or just give it up as a lost strain n harvest a smoke.


Seeds somehow by whatever means be preferable...


Any advice appreciated as always.




Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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pollen chucker vs breeder, auto vs photo, vs clones, vs seeds...




Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Hey, what is wrong with chucking a bit of pollen ?, some of the best strains are from pollen chucking runs

i reckon me pollen chucks are as good as a lot of so-called breeders, out there these days, all depends on ya starting material hey


Don't put us in the same league as autos and Leds lol

Edited by pedro de pacas
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