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Medical Cannabis Treatment for ADHD ( Bipolar. GAD 0





My brief overview

I have found your website during my research into alternative treatment medications for the treatment of Adult ADHD. I have a diagnosis of Adult ADHD , treatment resistant Biplor and Generalized disorder and current medication treatments have essentially resulted in what I would term treatment resistant to the most common medications such a Dexedrine and Ritalin & most Bipolar medication.



The research to this point into the use of medical marijuana [ M.M ] for ADHD in Australia has me thus far of the impression that the use of M.M ] for ADHD is really not supported or covered under the governments publications that support ADHD as not approved yet in Australia,I see thing not changing in a hurry


For me I want to get away from harsh pscy drugs. I use in the past on cannabis was helpful. However a majority of product sold in s poor quality and most growers to not know how it was breed or strain is it.


Being mindful sourcing rules here . Ill rephrase my question.


I am not aware of have heard of any support from any Psychiatrists in Australia that have publicly shown any support for the use of M.M. Given that it is Psychiatrists that primarily make an ADHD diagnosis in adults, these Psychiatrists to my knowledge are only permitted to prescribe medications that are approved by the government and seem and many Dr’s even if they are aware of the benefits of M.M for ADHD, do not wish to publicly make this their stance for reputation and professional option reasons.


There are several strains I am interested and I wonder if people know if they have made their way to Australia. I know they have by using onine seeds banks at a game of passing customs.


The following strains my looking around are used medically and have possible results re ADHD treatment.


Possible suggestions




Do you know if any growers are growing seed strains that include;

1. Feminized

2. Auto Flowering

3. Dwaf



( included https://amsterdammarijuanaseeds.com/green-crack-autoflowering-seed









OPTION 2 Sour Diesel Haze Auto Feminised Seed   Lowryder 2 Auto Feminised Seeds


To wrap my question of , are the breed going grow in Aus. If so are domestic imports talking place or are people importing if so how has that played out


Any feedback your be great















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I recently got diagnosed with ADHD as an adult in my 50's. I honestly believe that a lot of my cannabis use has been self medicating to alleviate ADHD symptoms. I have never experience the hyperactivity but I remember what a revelation it was when I first tried it in 1977 and found that I could actually focus my thoughts!


The psychiatrist who diagnosed refused to prescribe stimulant medication (ritalin etc) due to my cannabis use. He said I would have to give up for 6 weeks and be drug tested. He told me that there was increased chance of a psychotic episode if I combined the two (I think this is bullshit). Not sure if I really wanted the stimulants anyway, but I would have been curious to at least try to get a baseline of what it is like to not have this. I am on a non-stimulant medication called strattera with limited success. I am still using cannabis and the variety that gives me the greatest benefit is OT Haze from Ace. I do think that I can find better though and it is not a miracle cure. The other thing is that I need something that doesn't get me high so I can work. I have a high pressure job and am dealing with people face to face all day and I could not do the job stoned.


I am also now searching for varieties which may help. I have always been more drawn to sativa or sativa dominant strains which I am experimenting with at the moment. Haven't found a holy grail yet but am presently growing some African sativas and a few hybrids. I have tried Green Crack before and was not that impressed tbh. On a recent overseas trip I was able to try CBD oil which I didn't notice any difference, great for back pain though. I have a CBD dominant variety which I am planning on growing out in the near future as I hold out a little hope that a CBD/THC variety may give me the functionality to do my job and control the ADHD.


Personally I think that the relationship between cannabis and ADHD is not well understood. None of the varieties that are marketed as having any ADHD benefit seem to have any evidence to back it up.


Good luck with your search and I hope there are others on here that have some experience.

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What He ^^^^^^ said



Green Crack, in my top strains to keep me focused, I am ADD too 

also Blue Dream and Maui Wowie allow me to focus and sit for more than 10 min at a time. 


I do best with a Hybrid - one that has some CBD in it - usually under 1% but better than zero %


You may also need a indica leaning strain for times when you need to calm down 



(I'd type more but I am out of my current sativa Papaya cross LSD) 


"...online seeds banks at a game of passing customs."  it's exactly that, QLD seems to be hardest to get seeds into

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First to you Freddie. Never a good idea in my experience telling shrinks about substance abuse. Especially around seeking help with ADHD. I have tried Ritalin and Dexamphetamine ( Dexadrine ). The problem for many it seems after looking into this is complex and beyond the scope of this post. But for me, lower doses seemed to help with ADHD for some time. I first was on Ritalin and it helped but soon made me sleepy. That's why Dexadrine was brought in. But I and many seem to build a tolerance. But The problem with the higher dose is that the effect of making you feel better mood is not sustainable. You develop tolerance of that effect and the dose has to keep going up to keep getting the effect. You end up having to take much more than prescribed and often run out short, before next dispense. There is a growing body of evidence around ADHD and how cannabinoids are not only safer for the health of the brain but have just as or if not better results. 


Your correct this research is new. Some countries like Germany and one or 2 Psychiatrists use cannabis over pharma. Plus a few in the USA. Australia, however, is much different. Psychiatrists Peak Body, the rule keeps, do not see cannabis as a treatment method nor is it referenced in the DSM.

Ill follows up with some emails of Psychiatrists I found, but I have had no reply yet and I do not think they speak English. Remember medical cannabis now is sort of an open gateway for growers to list it treats X<Y<Z. But what works for one might not work for another. But in my case when u have had multi shrinks, contraindicate which meds to take and end up with what's called treatment-resistant ADHD and Bipolar, put u in the hospital and try some very risky drug that no shit almost killed me. It's really time to look outside the box. It still amuses me in a sick way that many Dr's Shrinks still come back to this chemical imbalance theory. “There’s no biological imbalance.  When people come to me and they say, ‘I have a biological imbalance,’ I say, ‘Show me your lab tests.’  There are no lab tests.  So what’s the biochemical imbalance?”  —Dr. Ron Leifer, New York psychiatrist. Many drug companies have removed the term fix* chemical imbalance with some wobbly words. But that's a whole other post. 


Despite the billions of pharmaceutical company funding in support of the chemical imbalance theory, this psychiatric “disease” model is thoroughly debunked.  


“[T]here are no tests available for assessing the chemical status of a living person’s brain.” – Elliot Valenstein, Ph.D.6   • Psychiatrist David Kaiser adds this: “Patients [have] been diagnosed with ‘chemical imbalances’ despite the fact that no test exists to support such a claim, and...there is no real conception of what a correct chemical balance would look like.”7 • “Biopsychiatrists have created the myth that psychiatric ‘wonder’ drugs correct chemical imbalances.  Yet there is no basis for this model because no chemical imbalance has ever been proven to be the basis of a mental illness,” wrote Ty C. Colbert, a clinical psychologist. The whole theory was invented to push drugs.  “The way to sell drugs is to sell psychiatric illness,” says Carl Elliot, a bioethicist, University of Minnesota.


That said on a major divert. LSD was first used in Psychiatry and had good results for the most part under controlled conditions and now many benefit from Micro-dose. I only make this tangent as Sandoz Pharmaceuticals who make the majority if not at least a huge portion of ADHD and other psychotropics, seem to have given what to real science and settled for pseudo-science in many ways. Funny enough it was indeed in Sandoz Labs LSD was fumbled across with the intention of helping people. 


Dr's are so quick to pump the hard pharma out yet , curious the chemicals in the brain that state are out of balance there is not one accurate test to measure a normal vs unbalanced level. Dont get me wrong Psychiatrist's and medications ( phama ) do help people. Its when they do not help people, it seems as if the Psychiatrist can not solve it , you end up on a very bad path.

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Final one for the day


Successful authorised therapy of treatment resistant adult ADHD with Cannabis: experience from a medical practice with 30 patients Eva Milz1, Franjo Grotenhermen2,3 1 Medical Practice for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Berlin, Germany; 2Nova-Institute Hürth/Rheinland, Germany; 3Medical Practice, Rüthen, Germany

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Some interesting links, Dieter. I have checked out a few and will have a look at them in more detail.


OT haze is old timers haze. It is a variety from the breeders, Ace seeds. I wouldn't recommend you grow this though, as it flowers for 24 weeks, whereas most varieties take from about 10 weeks.You might be better off growing what Matanuska Thunder suggests. I tried a Hawaiian haze overseas recently and I think it would be quite good for ADHD, relaxing and focused. Maui Wowie is Hawaiian, . Also I can imagine Blue Dream would be good too as that is a cross between haze and blueberry. I have only grown one Green Crack plant from HSO seeds so maybe I didn't have the best example. I still have another seed so maybe I will give it another try. As I said in the earlier post, I also have a high CBD variety which I will give a try.

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I have much more info on some drives I'm sorting through. You said, " Maui Wowie is Hawaiian". If memory serves back in High School I got my hands on some Maui Wowie seeds. They were very large seeds and had what I'd call a very large ridgeback along the seed. In regards to Green Crack & ADHD, I have after a while reading around. The reviews seem very mixed. 

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A follow up



A study of 268 separate online discussion threads reported that 25 percent of people said they believed that marijuana had a positive role to play in ADHD symptom management. The study points out, however, that research proving a connection between marijuana the management of ADHD is limited.

Some schools of thought suggest that ADHD migt stem from a lack of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex region of the brain.

As a neurotransmitter, dopamine is a chemical that transmits signals between nerve cells in the brain. Dopamine is believed to affect thought processes, including memory and attention.

Substances in recreational drugs, such as marijuana, lead to the production of more dopamine in the reward center of the brain.

The brain's reward center gives an individual a pleasant sensation when they use marijuana and other drugs. However, this cycle of recreational drug use and increased dopamine can lead to the development of dependence.

Nature journal published a study in 2017 that discusses the dopamine-releasing action of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), an active chemical component in marijuana, and the source of its pleasure sensation. The researchers advised that THC boosts short-term dopamine levels but may dull the system that releases dopamine long-term.

Marijuana can have a range of unwanted, long-term effects on the brain.

This varying effect suggests that even if marijuana provides short-term symptom relief, better focus, or sedation for people with ADHD, longer-term use may result in more harm than good.

However, in the journal Brain, an imaging studyby researchers at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom disputed the connection between ADHD and dopamine. They, instead, related ADHD to the structure of the gray matter in the brain.

One trial from 2017 tested a cannabinoid medication on people with ADHD. While the participant number was small and the findings were not statistically significant, the results did show small improvements in ADHD symptoms. The results also suggested that adults who take cannabinoids for ADHD experience the side effects less than children.

A further review of available clinical evidence on marijuana cited a case that — although not involving ADHD — showed that a child with autistic spectrum disorder had improved hyperactivity levels after receiving a cannabidiol treatment.


However, other research shows a relationship between marijuana dependence and ADHD.

One study of 99 people seeking treatment for cannabis use disorders showed an estimated ADHD prevalence of between 34 and 46 percent.

Overall, research seems to indicate that, although marijuana seems to alleviate certain short-term effects of ADHD, it may present a heightened risk of dependence and might even make ADHD worse.

Is medical marijuana available for ADHD?

People who use marijuana as a treatment for ADHD often self-medicate, which means a doctor does not prescribe or recommend the marijuana they take.

The evidence for medical professionals to recommend or prescribe marijuana as an active treatment for ADHD is not compelling enough at present.





The U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) warn that some research suggests there are long-term, negative effects of using marijuana, especially on the brain during early development. These effects include:

  • slowing cognitive development in children and adolescents
  • increasing risk of depressionanxietypsychosis, and other mood disorders
  • loss of IQ points, although others have disputed these findings
  • attention, learning, memory, and other brain function problems

Concerned parties have also reported that substance use disorders often occur with ADHD.

Because of these concerns and potential harm, people with ADHD should be cautious about taking marijuana, mainly as doctors are unable to advise on safe doses.

The current situation suggests more research is needed to prove that marijuana is a safe and effective treatment for ADHD.

Can children with ADHD be treated with medical marijuana?


Mounting evidence suggests that the potential side effects from using marijuana are worse in children and that these adverse effects may outweigh any potential benefits.

The brain of a child is still developing, and using marijuana may alter normal neurological development, leading to harmful cognitive and other effects.

Children and teens that use marijuana may also be more likely to develop dependency.

According to the NIDA, those who start using marijuana before they are 18 years old are four to seven times more likely than others to develop a problem with the drug.

Marijuana use can also lead people to develop addictions to other, more harmful substances.

Marijuana consumption as a teen can increase the risk of alcohol dependence when people are older.

One 2016 study showed that across a 3-year period, development of alcohol use dependence was more likely among cannabis users than those who were not users.

Some people defend the use of marijuana in children with ADHD, based on anecdotal evidence from their personal experience. They may have observed a child or adolescent responding well, with a reduction of ADHD symptoms.

But more evidence is needed to prove that marijuana is safe for children and adults to use.

Until then, treating children with marijuana and cannabis products continues to carry risks.

Does marijuana interact with available ADHD treatments?

Methylphenidate (MPH) is an ADHD medication that researchers tested for interactions with smoked marijuana.

The results showed that the two substances interacted significantly and can increase strain on the heart.




Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK.  

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