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Hi all, I know it's long but it worth it. This is a true story..I know for a fact. I lived through it. No one can tell or convince me mj has no medical value. I wrote this, so people who don't have this ailment or a painful one, have a chance to understand it. I must warn you this is painful and you might feel my pain. This is how I explain it. I have seen lots of people cry when they heard this. I don't want pitty. I WANT THE TRUTH OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA KNOWN for all to see



Peace :devilred: :smoke




May 20, 2000 around 11:30pm, my life as I knew it died. Like a phoenix, my life burst into flame and started to turn to ash, but had not fallen upon the ground yet. I had learned a lot about my now ex-husband that he failed to mention while we were dating. I had learned he was an alcoholic, an angry drunk, and he loved crank (meth). The phoenixes' ash is beginning to fall; my husband picked a fight with me. Without warning he slammed me into the exterior wall of our house. I remember I took three or four very quick steps back before my right shoulder smashed into the wall, followed by my upper back (between the shoulder blades), then my lower back hit hard. My memory goes hazy and so it will remain there for too long. My shoulder snaps, cracks, grinds, and pops when it is in motion. The lower back had a one-inch high and round bump over the spine and between the vertebra. This is what started my condition, a nasty type of chronic pain, and very hard to diagnose. It is called Fibromyalgia; pray you never get it. But it would be almost 4 years before I would know. My life as I had known it was over.

The ash, of the phoenix, falls into a gray pile; I have been shackled and become a prisoner to pain. How do I explain pain that I have never felt before? There are too many painful memories that have been burned into my mind. I would put a pillow in my mouth, so no one would hear, and would scream in agony for hours upon hours. I got uncontrollable migraines and spinal headaches. My eyes felt like they were going to bust while my head was building so much pressure it was going to explode. The spinal headaches lasted a few months while my body tried to heal. However, my back was weakened. At any given time, this condition will send a power surge through my nervous system. The havoc that this causes is pure Hell. I get muscle spasms for hours or even days. I could hear my mind screaming at my leg to stop flopping around like a fish out of water. But it could be anything connected to a nerve. My leg was racked in pain every time it jerked, and yet it could not obey. The intense pain would hit my stomach and caused severe nausea and vomiting. I would throw-up several times a day even though my stomach was empty. I lost fifty pounds in a couple months. Before I could recover from an episode, my feet all of sudden felt like they were on fire. Yet, a few inches away, one of my ankle felt ice cold to the point it was throbbing and being stabbed with ice sickles. The other ankle felt normal. The pain was so intense I could not sleep. It was not uncommon for me to stay awake for 72 hours straight. This is a small taste of my everyday life. The ’bad’ days are far worse; too many times I have been stuck in bed for days or even weeks. I could not walk or even stand because of pain or I could not feel apart of me. If I moved any part of my body, I felt pain everywhere. But if I lay still, felt pain shooting down my spine. I have dragged myself on the floor to go to the bathroom, make something to eat, to get my medication, etc. etc. I hated what I had become.... I wished for death to end my suffering.

My first doctor tried everything she could think of medication, x-rays, cat-scans, blood tests, and a spinal trap. But all tests showed, “there might be a problem,” or nothing is wrong. I took Vicodin, Soma, Naproxen, Promethazine, Ibuprofen, Bextra, and countless others. I took eighteen plus pills a day, but the pain laughed at the attempt to kill it. She gave up after a year and then told me, "It's all in your head" and “You’re a junky.” That was the last time I saw her. I found my current doctor and he repeated all the test except the spinal trap. All the results were the same.

About the same time, I was talking to a medical marijuana friend of mine, Jim. He was a six-foot tall trucker before he was injured. Jim asked me if I had ever tried marijuana for the pain. It never had occurred to me, but now that very question I had asked myself before I voted in 1998 was back and needed to be answered again. “If I had a painful condition and standard treatment did not work, would I try marijuana to ease my misery?” Misery a word I truly understand. This is one of the easiest questions I have ever answered in my life. I talked to my doctor even though I was not diagnosed with a named condition; I still fit the guidelines. He signed the paperwork.

About three or four months later, the pain that had aggregately laughed to my pleading to be freed from this insanity was about to know fear. I smoked medical marijuana for the first time, and felt the pain leave my body. My pain level went a ten plus, on the pain scale, to a five within a few minutes and it continued to drop. I could feel the pain wither and die inside of me, and was replaced with something I have not felt for an eternally. My body began to relax; my mind began to clear. I began to realize I had been given a key to unlock the shackles of pain. At last, my nervous system calmed down. The migraine, which had become one of my masters screamed in contempt. For the first time in over a year, I did not have a headache of any kind. The muscle spasms reduced and finally stopped on my command. My body was exhaustion and collapsed. I feel asleep and slept for hours, the best in years. When I awoke on my terms, I was starving. For the first time in a longtime, I got hungry, ate my fill and held it down. Sometime later, "Jim" gave me some marijuana tea, and told me to drink it in the next hour or the THC will be gone, and DO NOT DRIVE while under it. When I got home I drank it, and am glad I took his advice. The tea was delicious; it tasted like I was drinking a pumpkin pie. Since I drank it instead of smoking it marijuana, it took about 20 minutes or so to feel the effects. My mind was clear as a bell, I remember thinking I’m back. The phoenix has risen from the ash, stronger and better then before. If any of my formal masters had returned, I could not feel them. For I had a very strong body high, my body was numb to pain.

Edited by loves420
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High all

This Saturday I'm going to a FM seminar. I will leave all the infro here.

An update on my ex; he was guilty of contempt of court. six months of probabtion, but if he misses one child suport payment he goes to jail. he's over $20,000 indebt. and he has to start paying me $ from the divorce. His karma continues ;)



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I'm going off of memory since there were no handouts. Dr. Dryland has a book coming out in the 6 months to a year. He's try to get a web site started. I think it's fibrocure.com

Dr. Dryland is one of my doctors (2 months)

If you have FM, your stuck in attack mode-the fight or flight response. Other conditions that are common with Fibro: IBS, PTSD, Lupus, panic attacks, bi-polor disorder, sleep apnea..

These statistic are from the US and may be different elsewhere. 90% of Fibro suffers are woman. Why? Dr. Dryland believes that men are protected during sleep. Men sleep deeper in sleep where as women sleep lighty. Think about it when a baby cry in the middle of the night who usally wakes up to take care of the little one.



Dr. Dryland was the speaker and he also suffers from Fibromyalgia. He too was told his pain was in his head. Needless to say he understands the pain. FM is not a disease. It's not your fault you got it. Try to think of what was going on about 2.5 years to a few months before the pain started: this is FM foothold. There are 3 main areas where FM can start from: physiological, abuse, or off of another condition. FM can get worse in as little as 6 months. The disease Lopus is often confused with FM and they feed off another. Stress often makes FM worse.


There isn't a test that can see FM. Luckily, Fibro doesn't damage the body.The body is normal, but the pain center has either used all or is low in a type of adrenaline. sorry I've blanked out on the type. Let's say a normal healthy person gets a pain of 3. that person will feel a pain of 0- can't be felt. A person with mild to moderate Fibro get the same pain would recieve a pain of 1 or 2. A little pain but not bad. a person with server Fibro will feel a 6. there is no pain tolance.


Dr Dryland suggested if you are having problems sleeping, do a sleep study. When you wake they should be able to you if your sleeping problem is from sleep apnea or your not getting refeashing sleep, or if there is a sleeping problem.

There are 4 stages of sleep, FM suffers only get to stage 2. Stage 3 sleep is refreshing sleep. As a result the person is easily confussed and forgetful. Imagin you are talking to someone and then your memory all of sudden goes blank, and you don't have a clue what you were just talking about. This is normal for FM. This is known as "Fibro Fog."


My doctor gave me Mirapex. In the U.S. this drug is for Parkens (sorry misspelled) disease. For FM, this drug stops the jurking when you try to relax. I must warn you Mirapex is hard on the stomach. If you have IBS, Mirapex will drive it nuts. You can cross it with tums. I was also given Xanax for sleep. To get control of FM, 1st you must get good sleep.


I hope this helps

peace :smoke

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I find it fascinating that marijuana treats so many varied ailments :wacko:



Thank you both for sharing your personal stories.... I don't know how I didn't find this thread earlier.



But I am deeply touched B)




All the best to both of you (and I hope that guy gets locked up because that's just not how you treat someone... especially a lady!)

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and I hope that guy gets locked up because that's just not how you treat someone
Nah, if they lock him up then there is no way for him to pay anything and I'm sure loves420 could use the money, unless of course he has assets that can be seized while he's inside. :wacko:



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True I need the money, but I won't mind seeing him caged. as he should be, it would give me a break to unwind. don't forget he's the cause of my ptsd,FM, and my mistery. My kids want to see their 'daddy' in jail. I won't let them see them if it happens.

Peace :smoke

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