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Nice u have a science lab then [emoji106]



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Fully equipped, you should see it. Sick as.

Way the gov is going allowing access atm that might be best idea evatil. Might die of old age before the gov gets their shit together lol

Feels that way, Mongy
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Perfect name for a good medicine farm name in my opinion... ' Secret Mountain Farms '... don't try prove me wrong but the story the manipulative one sided view from the reporter mentions the word drug... now if I'm mistaken aren't pharmaceuticals drugs???

Now the title should of the video should have read

' Medical cannibis seized by firearm weilding squad who were waiting for the medicine to reach full growth potential of an unestimated quantity or value'

The way the News manipulates and sets fear into such a underestimated plant... hence i will never call it weed or marijuana as it is known...

Back in the 1930's in the states the owner of all press (newspapers) manipulated the word cannabis by setting fear into the public eye by mentioning in the news reports that immigrant drug crazed mexican's on marijuana were raping women... the actual common name not the latin classification of plant name for mexican bush tobacco is actually marijuana... marijuana is not meant to be at all used unless you know nothing but have been fear mongered into beleive nothing that there is no value to this miracle plant... the movie that aired suring this time also was a fear tactic to gain public support to ban cannabis to set up business in all the wrong areas... it was then banned just like alcohol had... war on drugs will never work just like the war on alcohol never worked...

if you can't see that his propaganda was to go to battle for his own wealth with the support of dupont plastics there is ingnorance in the community ...

Dupont wanted plastics because it was a valuable business model

The Newspaper guy wanted his newspaper printed on pulp from trees... the start of building an empire for himself...

They went in and got a quick law that a hemp farmer needs a license... next day after law had been passed you saw the first arrests... hence fear mongering... wasn't even enough time to make an application to grow hemp

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Perfect name for a good medicine farm name in my opinion... ' Secret Mountain Farms '... don't try prove me wrong but the story the manipulative one sided view from the reporter mentions the word drug... now if I'm mistaken aren't pharmaceuticals drugs???

Now the title should of the video should have read

' Medical cannibis seized by firearm weilding squad who were waiting for the medicine to reach full growth potential of an unestimated quantity or value'

The way the News manipulates and sets fear into such a underestimated plant... hence i will never call it weed or marijuana as it is known...

Back in the 1930's in the states the owner of all press (newspapers) manipulated the word cannabis by setting fear into the public eye by mentioning in the news reports that immigrant drug crazed mexican's on marijuana were raping women... the actual common name not the latin classification of plant name for mexican bush tobacco is actually marijuana... marijuana is not meant to be at all used unless you know nothing but have been fear mongered into beleive nothing that there is no value to this miracle plant... the movie that aired suring this time also was a fear tactic to gain public support to ban cannabis to set up business in all the wrong areas... it was then banned just like alcohol had... war on drugs will never work just like the war on alcohol never worked...

if you can't see that his propaganda was to go to battle for his own wealth with the support of dupont plastics there is ingnorance in the community ...

Dupont wanted plastics because it was a valuable business model

The Newspaper guy wanted his newspaper printed on pulp from trees... the start of building an empire for himself...

They went in and got a quick law that a hemp farmer needs a license... next day after law had been passed you saw the first arrests... hence fear mongering... wasn't even enough time to make an application to grow hemp

Yeah your right about the media. I think you will fine it was industrial company DuPont that invented nylon and lobbied the US government to not only stop using hemp for all military and police uniforms and all textiles but to make it totaly illegal to grow use possess cannabis in any form. Propaganda then was paid for by dupont and reefer madness was then rolled out and an innocent and exelent plant was out lawed prety much world wide


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Porky 1982

Reefer madness was re-worked so it adhered to stricked laws about pornography

Reefer madness was funded by the newspaper tycoon

Dupont and the tycoon and the movie all propaganda for their own agenda...

The cunts are sick... the minds of the public is sick

As a result the ocean has suffered

How large is the floating island inbetween hawaii and the states??? There are floating rubbish islands in every major ocean not even a mention whats on the ocean floor...

About time they gave us freedom and freed this plant

Or it would be about time the australian EPA (environmental protection agency) WAS HAMMERED HERE WHO ARE A GOVERNMENT AGENCY...

For supporting plastics and dupont and being influenced by the fear monger tactics as the news tycoons you are not suppirting the herb...

Our australian news tycoon is kerry packer

His son james is chronically ill with depression i think its a result of falsely manipulation of the market to financially gain from biased propaganda

Whats good for the goose is good for the propaganda

Fuck plastic fuck the news tonight

I beleive what i beleive and have always stood by weed

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Perfect name for a good medicine farm name in my opinion... ' Secret Mountain Farms '... don't try prove me wrong but the story the manipulative one sided view from the reporter mentions the word drug... now if I'm mistaken aren't pharmaceuticals drugs???

Now the title should of the video should have read

' Medical cannibis seized by firearm weilding squad who were waiting for the medicine to reach full growth potential of an unestimated quantity or value'

The way the News manipulates and sets fear into such a underestimated plant... hence i will never call it weed or marijuana as it is known...

Back in the 1930's in the states the owner of all press (newspapers) manipulated the word cannabis by setting fear into the public eye by mentioning in the news reports that immigrant drug crazed mexican's on marijuana were raping women... the actual common name not the latin classification of plant name for mexican bush tobacco is actually marijuana... marijuana is not meant to be at all used unless you know nothing but have been fear mongered into beleive nothing that there is no value to this miracle plant... the movie that aired suring this time also was a fear tactic to gain public support to ban cannabis to set up business in all the wrong areas... it was then banned just like alcohol had... war on drugs will never work just like the war on alcohol never worked...

if you can't see that his propaganda was to go to battle for his own wealth with the support of dupont plastics there is ingnorance in the community ...

Dupont wanted plastics because it was a valuable business model

The Newspaper guy wanted his newspaper printed on pulp from trees... the start of building an empire for himself...

They went in and got a quick law that a hemp farmer needs a license... next day after law had been passed you saw the first arrests... hence fear mongering... wasn't even enough time to make an application to grow hemp

G'day sharker, what has any of that got to do with pot in this country, it was already made illegal here(Australia) before Du-pont got his way in the good ol USA,

suggest you dig a bit more for the truth lol

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