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what deficiency is this

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Just looking for some advice on this one auto i have ,im feeding half strength advance nutrients ph perfect,micro /grow /bloom .attachicon.gif20180310_194756


With 1ml of cal mag per ltr .


From what I've read it looks like a cal mag issue ?


Too much cal mag ?


Is there such a thing?


Any ideas would be great thanks .


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Yeah me neither mac ,all the rest are loving life ,ph is 5.9 to low maybe ?


Coco 80%


Perlite 20%


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Nah mate that’s good, apart from that I’ve never had that so I don’t know ,

But the cal/mag is a supplement, I generally use it 1 time a week , but not as rule , only if they look a bit off, but I’m certainly no expert in hydroponics

I just know enough to be dangerous



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Too much or too potent nutrients or over feeding. Place it in intensive care unit .Let soil medium dry out. Tip it. Feed only water to start with.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

I think maybe your right there I will try and feed with just ph water .


Cheers dabstepper



Tip a auto in pre flower ?


Lots of people say don't tip them ?


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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