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It'll be good to see how you go. wonder what yield per plant you'll get. I know a hell of a lot of daaaamn fine places to plant but never have because of height and the chance of them being discovered. These little guys could be just the ticket. Im still waiting on a couple of strains from planet skunk how long do they take to arrive? If there good I might get a few bags of lowrider. What they set you back mate?
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Yeah, I don't think they are a 'serious' plant in terms of yeild or quality but certainly a good stealth plant... from the pic's I have seen on the net I reckon they look bloody hilarous - would love to plant a field of them... he he he.


Took about 3 weeks to arrive from Planetskunk and got the LR X BB free. With postage it cost $72 aussie.


I have tap roots on all of them now - the first two within 24 hours, so all is going well... have moved them into perlite now and figure I might keep any males I get and see how I go getting seed.


I have never grown before so reckon this is a pretty good strain to start with from what I can tell.


Next time I would like to get some clones and get a bit more serious but for now this is fun.

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Yeah my friend grew 4 Lowriders in an old fridge in his attic and they all fit perfectly in there and he ended up getting a pretty good size yield for the size of the plants. They were only a little over 1 foot tall but packed on bud pretty nicely. If your looking for a really stealthy grow then this is the plant for you :thumbsup
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yes i think we all see the potetnial in this little sucker. it seems that second generation crosses dont pass the autoflowering on so well. so they have to be reinforced back over the original lowryder parents. yes expensive but for me 1 fine with the boys in blue and a criminal record is enough motivation for me to keep growing hieghts down. new cross f4 highbreds are appearing (ak, kush, bb) which are 100% autoflowering but greatly variant in the size they grow to. im in love with this shit. the lownranger x lr and power stout interest me. from what i can tell the sight needweedseed. com is pioneering this new breed. and although the first lowryders were low in potency, the fact that we have a stable cultivar to pull 2 foot autoflowering plants out of interest the fuck out of me. i honestly think we will all be smoking these f4 hybrids in 5 years. does anybody have good links for 200 watt flouro envirolights, and also were to cheap leds in australia. peace people!
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I scored my lowryder seeds from Dr Chronic in 5 days. I'm yet to plant them but will shortly. I'm looking to just produce seeds this first time so I'll have plenty for summertime. As for the plant itself, overgrow.com had mixed reports from growers about this strain, but the majority were good. Some phenotypes are less desirable than others, and some commented that it was actually a fairly potent little plant. I'll guess I'll just have to find out for myself.. :peace:
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have got some

lowryder x blueberry

i think its a f2


has anyone got any experience with this strain??

is the autoflower thingy still active???


thankis peeps

take care


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alriye lads ive grown about 30 lows & ive just germanated low#bubbleicious willlrt u know i grt on with them.. you'll be very lucky if u get oz per plant.not the best smoke on da planet. those low's .ive decided to stick with clones after all thay take tha same time 8 wks & bigger yield..fuck lads seeds r expensive in ur fine country... 1 pollanated low give me 350 seeds..good luck.. :peace:
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Hi all i'll give my 2 cents worth on this. I planted all 10 of mine in fd sys. last year and let them go to seed got a whole bagfull. this year I planted them in my hoop house, here are some pics. I find that if you use a big pot min. 1 gal. they give from 1/2 to 1 oz each plant and if you let them go till all trics are amber they will knock your but off.



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