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No Till , Organic Living Soil Schedule , Buildasoil.com

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activating soil / making compost with the local beneficial's is def the way to go 

how you do that is up to you , i think i can grow more green manure cheaper than i would need to buy animal manure

& i know my inputs cos i grew them 


i've def used manures B4 & to be honest it's good stuff but i do think it's a lill over used & not quite as good as attracting 

diversity as a living green manure cover crop , you get all the composters breaking down the green manure when chopped just like the poo 

but the cover crop while growing offers a whole other set of beneficial's , N fixing bacteria , P & K solubilizing bacteria , ect ect 

& being beneficial microorganisms , they also out compete any possible bad guys trying to get a foot hold 


there is no  , one size fits all 

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Yeah itchy i agree, all the poo comes from home, there is plenty of grass and weeds growing in winter, that's me cover crop till spring, had a couple rows of garlic at the front this year

other years its onions, some years i grow corn pumpkins beans and pot, the soil is now that good, i can push a star picket in 2/3 foot easily 

worms everywhere, big fuckers here, the soil is full of life of all sorts


don't understand half the stuff you talk about, i'm learning all sorts of shit tho

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lol lol lol

don't understand half the stuff you talk about

lol lol lol 

if only i could understand the other half , we could be a team


good stuff growing your own food & if the poo is part of your closed loop farm

then that's a lill diff to using commercial waste products 


if there your animals then you know what they eat / what you feed them 

& if you see the poo as a valuable resource  , the better the feed , the better the resource


a step further & you start growing the feed for your animals & now your really closing the loop 

& living by the law of return , what your taking out the ground to feed animals , gets eaten , shat out 

composted & used to grow the same plants to feed the same animals that shit it out & round & round we go 

Edited by itchybromusic
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hey itchy, do u have a australian source for all these ingredients mentioned or ways to make them? can't see if buildasoil ships to australia and seems likely it would cost alot to get here.


Possibly with a quick search this place might do, but can't see about delivery, only sold in nsw stores by the looks: https://www.organicgardeningsolutions.com.au/collections/kits/products/ogs-premium-notill-soil-25l



Another interesting article mentioned by the guy in the video: http://www.cbagenetics.com/the-low-down-on-dirt/

and the explanation of article from buildasoil bloke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_Fgx4a2rNs

Edited by 420CaRNaGE
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yeah i think you can get from ogs , i never have so don't really know 

there's also https://www.drgreenthumbs.com.au/

& there's another one who i can never remember there name 


potassium silicate = not powder form https://planthealthsolutions.com.au/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=potassium%20silicate&product_id=224


the only thing i got from the US was crab shell meal , this was B4 ogs & dr greenthumb 


i buy things like tassie kelp 20kg bag $120 delivered anywhere in oz , lasts quite smoe time & works out allot cheaper in bulk 

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yeah i think you can get from ogs , i never have so don't really know 

there's also https://www.drgreenthumbs.com.au/

& there's another one who i can never remember there name 


potassium silicate = not powder form https://planthealthsolutions.com.au/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=potassium%20silicate&product_id=224


the only thing i got from the US was crab shell meal , this was B4 ogs & dr greenthumb 


i buy things like tassie kelp 20kg bag $120 delivered anywhere in oz , lasts quite smoe time & works out allot cheaper in bulk 

Wow that dr greenthumbs site rocks! cheers m8

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yeah there def got allot of stuff i'd prefer to use like https://www.drgreenthumbs.com.au/collections/organic-garden-fertiliser-australia/products/tonic-of-top-dress


the only down side to possibly all these guys is them being able to source organic inputs , in oz , that's not exactly easy 


the soybean meal they have is great to use , has all the L Amino Acids we want for plants , however ,

soybean is one of the biggest GMO crops in the world ,


Doc GT tells me it's def not a GM soybean crop but also tells me it was not grown organically , this is a bit of a prob for me 


some pesticides do not go away , there was a test done not long ago where they sprayed a canna plant with a heavy pesticide 

grew out the plant , cloning it B4 hand & repeated the process 7 times B4 they gave up , each clone was a mum for the next clone 

7 times each plant show up positive for that pesticide even though it was only sprayed on the original mum 


now maybe some bright spark has come up with number he/she or they call Safe Levels , based on F'ing what ! 

prob for us , we set shit on fire , what happens to the " Safe Level " of this shit when set alight with a Bic & some butane 

we already consume a bit of butane every time we light up 


it becomes harm minimization , you know you'll get toxins from here , from here & from here , which one can you control 

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your right pedro & i even have it sitting here but don't use it all the time 


we / i get caught up in the convenience thing , quick couple of billies & 

out the door , hard to break habits


but can be done , i gave up the ciggies a few years ago now but have

only been , since mid Jan this year , smoking only green = 2 months fee of tobacco , Yay Me :)  

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Hey itch, I know an old thread but I'm trying to get my ass into gear, shit weather and the flu has set me back in my prep, what would I expect to outlay cash wise to build some soil from scratch, i have compost on the go still a while away though id say. and plenty of coco, will have to buy basically everything else though, so just trying to weigh up whether I wanna wax my cash building soil or if it's gunna make more sense to just buy some no till soil this year and get make my own next year.


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