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I'm only growing strawberries and tomatoes this year..;) I won't be sharing pics I'm afraid. But I really enjoyed reading your stuff GQ. I've lived more than half my life being paranoid and feeling like a criminal outcast for what I do on a daily basis. I no longer have any friends or family who still smoke so it's great to finally find some people on here with common interests for a change. I'm glad I finally signed up after all these years...You all seem like a great bunch.. Perhaps I'll have something to offer back one day.......I'm off for a bong now. Spent all morning reading on here!
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Yeah it is a pretty good site woodsy and most of the people here are easy going and theres definitely one thing we all have in common,we all love this amazing plant with its endless benefits,if your growing strawberries and tomatoes among other things wink wink post some pics theres plenty of us that love our gardening no matter what kind of plant it is,start your own thread or post em here on mine, i wont mind


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Nice collection, are you just organising your bag seeds there? Mine are all chucked in the one container, I have no idea what is from what year, going back about 15 years I think, I managed to germinate 1 of about 8 that I soaked so there is hope yet.  I'm just playing around until I get more set up but once I do... I have some Indica All Stars collection from Southern Star I'm itching to try out, can't wait! It will be my first time with some good strains.  Does anyone know anything about them? Anyone ordered the same ones? I think it has Alfe and a few others, will have to check what names I got.


I'm hoping they'll be nice squat and bushy unlike the sativa monster I had in my backyard years ago, she wouldn't behave...I had to bend her over down near the back fence where no one could see, tied her down and she just kept trying to get up above fence height again! Then the rains came in April and she go a bit of mold inside to my dismay. I really loved her :( but my smaller ones were best that year so I'm reluctant to go for a monster like that again. Pots are much easier to control, I'm trying out an air pot this time around as soon as it's out of the Solo cup, I think it's called geopot or something? Have you ever tried them GQ? Air root pruning?

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Nah i was just getting a little pack of some of my favorites together for a mate,some of those strains I've had for over 25+yrs and some not so old ones as well,collected from all over oz every where except wa and tassie,i have never brought a canna seed in my life but i have been getting tempted to do so in the last few months but im a bit nervous to take plunge because of the risk,i like em at any size,big small bushy or tall i love em all lol cant say i have heard of air root pruning,but thats no surprise im so old school,i didnt even know you could even buy seed online until about 24months ago i been livin under a rock for over a decade so modern day terms and methods and strains are all relatively new to me lol oh and computers im completely computer illiterate lol but im trying to learn


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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