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I'm a bit hot myself now. Need someone to throw a bucket of water over me. Preferably water with no nutes.

I tried to upload a funny pic but it didn't work. Maybe it's coz I'm on the dark web. I'd download the App but I'm paranoid. Maybe my VPN is enough. I'm still new to all this sorry. Is it safe on here or what? My emojs don't work either. :(

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We having a little heat wave here for this time off year and the sudden change in temps has caused a few issues with some of my fruit trees not setting fruit properly all the blossoms were just coming out when the temps went from being 18/19 degrees to 31degrees with strong dry wind it just cooked the blossoms before they even had chance to be pollinated and turned bro wn and fell off so thats sucks but the canna,s are loving it,can't win them all i guess lol


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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