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2 Pot RDWC Setup for $50 + Water Chiller

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  On 29/08/2017 at 7:07 AM, afgahn bob said:

Deep breaths gazz


I'm calm Bob :good: Back when this site first opened it was filled with great people, great advice, just a nice community to visit and socialize but it seems a few people nit pick untill it becomes harassment and they keep at it for god knows why, it ain't my problem but they do try to run it off on ya found it easier just to block those few individuals


This is a 18+ web site i think that should be respected and the childish behavior should be left at the door

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  On 29/08/2017 at 5:26 AM, Gazza2001au said:

The water level will be touching the bucket but once the seedlings grow roots down into the water i'll drop the level of water to about half or 1/3rd, if u look at my second pic u can see a hose coming out of the bucket at the top there is a pump connected to this hose the water flows up and out of this bucket thru the hose into my water chiller than it travels thru a hose back to the bucket on the right at the top, all that is needed is one pump rated at 500 litres per hour, once the water flows back into the left bucket it gravity feeds thru the big 3 hoses at the bottom to the right bucket and repeats


for emptying the buckets i just remove the top hose on the left bucket switch on the pump and all the water is pumped out of the system for a weekly water change


pretty easy man :)



thanks man.


i totally agree this place was golden not too long ago.


a few lil creeps sneak in (uaually around school holiday times, funny enough).. an the site goes to shit for a lil while.


then it dies down an the good folks come back out again.


i think us true greenbloods (haha get it, coz we live an breath the green)... are non confrontational, so we just disappear for a lil while every now an then.. to avoid it all.


anyhoo, thanks for the pointers man.. nice ones!.

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