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You must tell her, keeping secrets that you could get 'caught out' on is asking for even bigger problems later.

Sure, I agree, a gentle approach is needed, that's for sure. Sound her out first. A subtle question on the side.

But if she sees a tent or asks a question about 'that thing in the room', you could find yourself in more excrement than you thought possible when the truth is revealed.

And it will be revealed, believe me, relationships are like that lol

If you like your smoko and she is TOTALLY against it, then you need to be asking yourself some questions. Smoko OR her? Harsh question? I know, but those be your choices

Some have suggested using the money as an angle. But some are dead against drugs/money in the same sentence. Makes it sound like dealing. No, No, No. Don't go there.

Sound her out first. Have 'the drugs conversation' what are her thoughts in general? what's her view on powders vs natural? Alcohol vs pot? etc. These sorts of conversations will get you on to the subject and you can pretty much gauge things from there.

I remember having the conversation with my mrs (then girlfriend) and I was a bit cautious, then she turned around and offered her shed for a grow :shock: lol


If you want the relationship to last you must tell her. It will save so much mess to be upfront. IMHO anyway.



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Alright boys, I have had the chat with her and she's cool with me lighting up and having a good time.


But not cool with the concept of me growing it because of legal ramifications so that's a no go lol


Don't wanna do another guerrilla grow again since the last time I did deer hunters raided my plants...

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At least she's good with you having a choof that's a start and maybe the idea if growing might grow on her after a while,just drop a few subtle hints occasionally from time to time,like, did you know I would have saved 100 bucks this week if I had grown my own or home grown has so many health benefits compared to street stuff gods No's what in this stuff or did you know the health benefits are endless when consuming cannabis,stuff like that,it may rub off on her with a bit of persistence and education, GQ


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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My wife was against it. Then I just stuck a few seeds outdoors and she didn't mind it as long as it was discreet obviously. I pitched the idea of indoor and she was dead against it. But as time went by she started asking me questions and finally gave in.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

My wife's completely fine with me growing weed. Just not at our house haha so annoying having to drive to your plants...
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